Saturday, March 12, 2016

Leftist Trouble follows Trump

Donald Trump says not to believe the rumors that he had pre-scheduled the cancellation of the Ohio rally.  George Soros demo-puppets had rioted at the University if Illinois' Chicago Pavilion after Trump shut down the event due the enormous and incredible crowd of protesters who showed up to cause trouble. In spite of the protesters throwing punches and flipping birds, Donald said he loves protesters; he loves protests; he loves everything--even the five  who were arrested.

Interestingly, the GOP candidates running against Trump, as well as the socialist and the felon of the other party, blame Trump for the rioting. That's like blaming the non-Halal peanuts served on United Airlines Flight 175 for the plane purposefully crashing into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.  

It's a lie and this is why people are angry at the so-called establishment.

It turns out the Chicago protesters, like many of the Black Lives Matter (and nobody else) were paid to cause trouble. Trump even pointed out the professionally made signs.

When people come prepared for a riot, just like when they come prepared with mortars and small arms like in Benghazi, you can bet it isn't spontaneous.

It's becoming increasingly clear that the left is organized for anarchy and it's disgusting. 

The problem I see with Trump, however, is that if there was anything he could do to get their votes, he would do it, as long as there were more to be gotten from them than from where he plans to get them now.

But rather than blaming Trump for the riots, it would be better for the country to appoint blame where it belongs and call out the organized progressive anarchists, like Soros and even Bernie Sanders who blames Trump, and unmask them.

I am by no means saying the Trump organization is blameless regarding the riots--Trump has made extraordinary statements about retaliating and hitting people. That's not only stupid and dictatorial, it goes against the very foundation of the Constitution, something with which Trump has no problem, especially when it comes to the First Amendment and free press.

But even Trump has the right to free speech and Soros and his ilk would deny that to him and anyone with whom he doesn't agree.

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