Thursday, January 7, 2016

You like tiny H-bomb Yankee?

An atomic bomb is to a hydrogen bomb like a sparkler is to an atomic bomb. So when North Korea claims it set off a Hydrogen bomb in an underground test, many people were skeptical because the 'pop' just wasn't there.

Okay, Pyongyang called it a "miniaturized" Hydrogen bomb, but North Korea calls Kim Jung Un the "Supreme Leader and Best Friends with Famous Basketball Player Dennis," so how can you take what they say seriously? 

North Korea lies like a Clinton at a congressional committee hearing.

In spite of the fact that the North Korean announcement could not be confirmed, we know that they test was a nuclear bomb, and this is their fourth test since 2006. Iran was in the peanut gallery watching this one as they have done before. 

A North Korean state-run TV spokeswoman said the test was a "perfect success," but if she didn't say that, she'd be placed in a minefield and told to start running as Kim looked on through his military binoculars waiting for the explosion.

However, this test, and the others, does not bode well for Barack Obama. 

In response to the announcement, the UN Security Council immediately called for an emergency meeting scheduled for Wednesday morning. Marco Rubio will not be there, but he doesn't need to be there as he is not part of the Council.

Andrei Lankov, an expert on North Korea, spoke with Fox News saying he was "seriously skeptical" that Pyongyang actually lit off an H-bomb because to do so, they would have needed to spend a lot more money in a country where money is scarce, and described doing that for just one test as "mission overkill." Lankov also believes the test didn't have the 'signature' of a Hydrogen bomb and he had no doubt that it was merely an atomic test.

Does it really matter if you're blown to bits by an atomic bomb or fried like a marshmallow with a blow torch?

Finally, both parties on Capitol Hill want to tighten sanctions and put more pressure on North Korea. Tightening sanctions on a country as poor as they are is like telling a guy living in a cardboard box under the Manhattan Bridge that you're not going to buy him a gym membership. 

I believe we need to make it clear to Iran, who appears to have a stake in this, that because of the nuclear proliferation that's going on with our enemies, we are going to snap back the sanctions we had on them and withhold every nickel of the money we earmarked for them.

Then  we need president Obama to tell Kim Jung Un, "We have your ugly ass in our sights and we're locked and loaded. You want nuclear, I'll give you nuclear where the sun don't shine, you no-neck scumcrumpet."

Can't you just see president Obama saying that?

Neither can I.

The sad truth is that this is a very serious situation and nothing is being done. These rogue nations like Iran and North Korea know Obama is everything that Lt. Col. Ralph Peters said of him and worse.

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