Saturday, January 23, 2016

Bloomberg may throw your soda cup in the ring

Michael Bloomberg, billionaire, former New York City mayor, and owner of Bloomberg News, a media outlet, is thinking  about running against another billionaire real estate developer and TV show entertainer from New York City if Trump gets the nomination. It looks like that's what's going to happen, but hey, ya never know. 

Of course, Bloomberg will also need to run against people on the left, notably a woman who may be indicted for disobeying the law regarding the Espionage Act, and who has logged more miles than any other Secretary of State while doing nothing for the country, and whose family foundation funds may have been used illegally and to buy political influence for foreign countries.

Another leftist Bloomberg will have to run against if he truly wants to become POTUS is a socialist who, as a New Hampshire senator, has done very little with his time in the Senate and who believes in the possibility of raising taxes on Americans to 90%.

The other leftist was mayor of a failed Baltimore, Maryland, then governor of the same state. He is as relevant to this election cycle as a yo-yo is to a flounder.

Like Donald Trump, Bloomberg says he will finance his campaign with his own money and has already commissioned a poll and ordered his advisers to start drafting plans, but he will likely wait to see what happens with the Iowa caucus on February 1st.

Bloomberg, a notorious flip-flopper has run as a Democrat, a Republican, and would now run as an Independent.

Ted Cruz (R-Tx) is a close second to Donald Trump, while Bernie Sanders (D-NH) is making a "shhtrong" bid for the Democratic nomination. 

Like Sanders, Bloomberg is pre- "The Howdy Doody Show," which makes them both quite old.

Changin' with time
While Bloomie's odds at actually winning the election is on par with winning the lottery without buying a ticket, he would probably screw things up for both parties in the general election. As a person who has screwed up New York City by regulating everything possible, that suits him just fine.

One would think that owning an entire media platform would disqualify a person from becoming president, but the times, they are a changin'.

Although no Independent ever was elected to POTUS, Bloomberg, a supporter of highly restrictive gun laws might sway disaffected voters on both sides of the aisle.

If, in fact, he were to get elected, it would be a blow to the Constitution and our civil liberties. 

C'mon folks, the guy put restrictions on the size of soda pop servings allowed in restaurants, and like Moochelle Obama, would even try to control the food we're allowed to eat, and then there's that little issue about the Second Amendment.

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