Saturday, January 23, 2016

Kerry speaks with forked tongue

Who are you going to believe, 77 million Iranians who chant "Death to America" or John Kerry?

Secretary of State Kerry announced Monday that "the world is safer today" because of the Iran nuclear deal. 

On Thursday Kerry said that some U.S. funds incorporated into the agreement will make their way into the coffers of terrorist organizations.

To be clear, here is what Kerry said: "I think that some of it will end up in the hands of the IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) or of other entities, some of which are labeled terrorists. You know, to some degree, I'm not going to sit here and tell you that every component of that can be prevented. But I can tell you this, right now, we are not seeing the early delivery of funds going to that kind of endeavor at this point in time. I'm sure at some point some of it will."

So the world is a safer place today because of the Iran nuclear deal but the money we've released to them will likely end up in the hands of the same IRGC who took 10 of our sailors hostage, which then Kerry THANKED for releasing them. 

Money that will go to "other entities, some of which are labeled terrorists." (My italics.)

Kerry implies with the word 'labeled' that maybe they are, maybe they aren't actually real terrorists like ISIS. Maybe they're more like Hamas and Hezhollah--groups we call terrorist organizations for lack of a better term.

What bizarre leadership we have. What stupidity and suicidal irresponsibility, all for some BS legacy for a POTUS who would have none, save for Obamacare, which has never lived up to its hype.

The Iranian mullahs must be laughing to the point of incontinence.

Kerry is as useless as Secretary of State as he was as a swiftboat commander in Vietnam. But you'd never know because he put himself in for the medals.

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