Saturday, January 2, 2016

Anti-Muslim fire set by um, a Muslim

A little mosque on the Houston, Texas prairie was set on fire on the day celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Yes, Christmas Day. A fire was set at a storefront mosque and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was quick to "jump-the-sword" by blaming it on "anti-Muslim sentiment." I still wonder what kind of "relations" Islam really wants to have with America.

Unfortunately for the CAIR script (that never changes) it was discovered that the fire was actually set by a fellow Muslim who attends the mosque--a 37-year-old guy named Gary Nathaniel Moore. He was arrested last Wednesday.

It seems that mosque-torching has become somewhat of a Christmas holiday tradition among Muslims as the same thing happened last year in Fresno, California. It's what they do to make the rest of us look bad by accusing us of the crime.

In the latest Islamic attempt of trying to blame it on the infidel, the Houston Chronicle reported that the Houston man was arrested on Christmas Day. 

Nicole Strong, a spokeswoman for the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (all but one of which Muslims, who take the Koran literally, are permitted to use for their jihad pleasure) confirmed the arrest of Moore early Wednesday after midnight. He appeared in court on Wednesday morning.

Moore had been attending the mosque for 5 years, and prayed the required 5 times a day, 7 days a week, day in and day out, rain or shine, hell or high water. He was a very very religious Muslim and has a zabiba (forehead callous caused from Islamic prayer) to prove it.

Surveillance video from multiple nearby businesses helped investigators identify the religious miscreant and a search warrant of his home was issued and conducted. A backpack with clothing that matched the suspect on the video was found along with two-packs of charcoal lighter fluid bottles that matched another lighter fluid bottle found at the scene of the fire. Probably not a coincidence.


Reuters "journalist" Jon Herskovitz also reported on the arson, but somehow forgot to mention that Moore was a regular attendee of the mosque. If you read what Herskovitz wrote, you will not need an emetic for a week:
"Anti-Muslim sentiment has been on the rise in the United States, stoked by recent Islamic State-related attacks in France and California and anti-Muslim statements by Republican presidential hopefuls.
"The Council on American-Islamic Relations, which tracks such incidents, said the scale of vandalism, damage and intimidation at American mosques this year is the worst in the six years it has kept records." 
It's disgusting how the mainstream media refuses to report the truth.

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