Tuesday, June 9, 2015

ISIS Captures 88 Christians, Obama Still Baffled

They tried to sneak out of Libya last week but ISIS captured and kidnapped 88 Eritrean Christians in a people-smugglers' caravan. Obama blames the Crusades and past atrocities for the anger that ISIS harbors for Christians. He blames Israel for Islam's hatred for the Jewish people. 

He also claims that ISIS is not Islamic.

No mustache, like his prophet 
The Libya Herald newspaper reported that a convoy of migrants was ambushed by ISIS south of Tripoli last Wednesday.

Meron Estafanos, co-founder of International Commission on Eritrean Refugees, based in Sweden told the newspaper that the migrants included "about 12 Eritrean Muslims and some Egyptians. They put them in another truck and they put 12 Eritrean women Christians in a smaller pick-up." Estafanos did not say whether ISIS planned to sell them as sex slaves or behead them. Al Baghdadi needs to check the Koran to see which method is the most Islamic.

When ISIS initially stopped the truck they demanded that the Muslims on board identify themselves (but that had nothing to do with Islam, says Obama). 

Everyone claiming to be Muslim was then tested on the Koran and how they observe the religion of Islam. This was done to weed out Christians pretending to be Muslim in order not to be killed by ISIS for being an infidel.

But ISIS is not Islamic, says Obama.

As the truck drove away, about 9 men jumped off, trying to escape. Three apparently did but have yet to get out of Libya. The fates of the others is not known.

While Libya is the starting-point for migrants from the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa, there has been a greater ISIS presence there, as well as other terror groups, which increases the risk for Christians and all other un-believers of Islam.

But ISIS is not Islamic, according to Obama.

When asked in August of last year about the strategy the U.S. has to defeat ISIS, our so-called "president" said that he has no strategy. Now, ten months later, he is singing the same sorry song but now blames it on the Pentagon.

Of course, Obama is lying through his capped teeth. The Pentagon can quickly develop a military strategy to defeat 50,000 Islamic State jihadists before you can say, "Commence Fire!"

In fact, they say a strategy was available last year and they have a strategy now.

I believe the real problem Obama has about going after ISIS and other Islamic terror groups is that he has no stomach for war, particularly against Islamic fighters. This is probably due to his "Daddy issues," his personal history with Islam, and his apparent dislike of American exceptionalism.

Obama pretends that ISIS is not Islamic and we know that he has read the Koran as a madrassa student in Indonesia, where he said the call to prayers was the most beautiful sound he has ever heard. 

But ISIS jihadists are the most orthodox Muslims today. They follow their prophet to the letter with beheadings, kidnapping of non-Muslim women to sell or use as sex slaves, and their hatred of Jews, gays, Christians and all other people on earth, as well as dogs, because Mohammed hated dogs.

Yes, Obama has begun to "fundamentally change America." He has taken a "balls-to-the-wall muscle car" known as the United States of America, and made us a pogo-stick.

If America gets through the rest of this clown's term without a major catastrophe unleashed by one of our enemies, we can count ourselves lucky. 

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