Monday, December 22, 2014

CyberVandals Stole Our Candy

Calling North Korea's cyber attack of Sony Pictures Entertainment "cybervandalism" is like calling an Islamist beheading an American "unlicensed butchering." But that's how our so-called president responded to this act of war.

As Michigan's Mike Rogers (R) said, "Saying 'aloha' and getting on the plane to Hawaii is not the answer. I don't think that's enough. North Korea attacked, then threatened violence."

Obama has no policy for dealing with cyber attacks and his "go-to" response has always been to play the role POTUS, where the "P" does not stand for President, but for another familiar word sounding quite feline. 

Obama's response of Friday was: "They caused a lot of damage. We will respond."

And respond he did, with a statement calling the attack an act of "cybervandalism." defines vandalism as: "willful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property." Nothing was defaced or destroyed, except, perhaps, more liberals seeing the light as to what a coward they elected TWICE.

No action taken, even after Kim Jung Un threatened us.

Speaking to the Communist News Network's (CNN) "I Live On Candy" Crowley, on Sunday, our fearless leader told her that he doesn't consider the "hack of Sony" an act of war, but an act of cybervandalism. He said that the US is going to review whether to put North Korea back on the list of states that sponsor terrorism, or pretend that they're as cool as Cuba and do nothing.

In either case, this is just paperwork, not real action. Our enemies, and unfortunately, even our allies know that there are never any real repercussions with Obama. He not only has no foreign policy, he basically has no clue on how to keep us safe.

There is plenty he can do in the "fourth quarter," as he refers to the end of his term. I know that whatever he chooses to do, it will be the wrong thing, the socialist, pseudo-kumbayah thing that will show the world how to walk all over us.

Mr. Obama, your litter-box is full--time to empty it.

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