Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fighting the Real Enemy of the World: Surprise!

In a New York Times article by Coral Davenport ("Pentagon Signals Security Risks of Climate Change," Oct. 13, 2014) it states that the Pentagon released a report asserting conclusively that the real threat to national security is climate change, and then maybe terrorism, disease, poverty and food shortages follow in the rear. The report predicts the increasing demand for military disaster responses will not be foreign military threats, but will be extreme weather.

Hopefully there are top secret efforts being made to develop better umbrellas and galoshes so we can prepare for wet snowballs from ISIS.

But seriously (sort of) the report draws out plans for how the military will deal with rising sea levels and more violent storms. And if that isn't arrogant enough, the military will "fight" mother nature when she bestows widespread droughts upon us.

Even Secretary of Defense, Chuck-Duh-I-Have-No-Idea-Hagel spoke to defense ministers in Peru on Monday about the report causing one minister from an undisclosed country, to scream and run in panic. It is rumored that he soiled himself from the fear Chuck chucked at him.

The "global warming" con game began with Al Jazeera Gore, but when it became obvious that he didn't know what he was talking about (his Nobel Peace Prize proved that) it then became "climate change."

Prepared for climate change

Why has this become the hot topic for the left? Because there's gold in them thar' hills and it takes the focus off real world crises, like the global threat of Islamic terrorism, Russia's threat to Ukraine and the old Soviet bloc, Ebola and our mishandling of it, and Obama.

Billionaire Tom Steyer, one of the biggest political donors of the midterm elections, is spending big bucks on Democrats who will support his global warming agenda. He thinks spending money will slow down global warming as it rests  on fossil-fuel consumption. It doesn't matter that for the past 18 years, there has been no conclusive proof that the earth has warmed up or any of the dire predictions made by the left ever came true.

In fact, in an  article on Steyer, it shows just what a hypocrite he really is. But calling a liberal a hypocrite is an oxymoron.

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