Thursday, January 30, 2014

SOTU Yadda Yadda

What a speech; I was mesmerized. The term 'mesmerized' comes from that famous hypnotist, Anton Mesmer, a BFF of Sigmund Freud, and a person who influenced magicians the world over. So what I'm saying is that Obama basically put me into a stage of sleep similar to that of hypnosis--I heard him, but I didn't give a fig what he was saying since he has said it all before. They are mere words on a mere Tele Prompter that could have just as easily been written with smoke in a high wind.

The speech was as anemic as a down-and-out vampire. Obama avoided important issues like the national debt and Benghazi, but, when you think about it, maybe they weren't important to him. He spoke about Obamacare but only gave the positives and carefully danced around the negatives. And to end on an upbeat note, he used an Army Ranger, Cory Remburg, a man who served 9 or 10 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and suffered severe injuries that caused him brain damage, to gain applause and a sense that somehow Obama is the hero being applauded.

He pointed out problems with the economy, the lack of jobs, and gender inequality; he was acting like an innocent bystander. It's his record he's talking about; his responsibility and failure. 

The president's  George W. Bush credit card has expired; it doesn't work anymore unless you're an Obama apologist, like most of the morons on MSNBC. Obama has been in office over 4 years and has nothing to show for his time on the job, other than getting bin Laden and totally decimating al Qaeda--wait--forget that last one. To make matters worse, he has taken away retirement benefits from the military and is even threatening to flip the bird to Congress and circumvent the Constitution with his pen and his phone if they dare to use their checks and balances on his imperial highness. I know a good place he can relocate his pen and phone. I just hope the GOP has the grapes to stop him in his tracks.

But you have to hand it to Joe Biden. His effervescent smile, his "Joker" expression, his finger-pointing in the middle of Obama's speech, that was cool. And Joe had the prescience to catch a few Z's while Barack threw the bull. Bravo Joe. It was just too bad he couldn't stay awake for the entire speech.

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