Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hillary and Herpetology

Hillary can see the future. She knows the GOP isn't going to let the Benghazi terrorist attack disappear--they're going to bring it up and she is going to say Republicans are being bullies. She said she regrets Benghazi, but she never said she was sorry for lying about it, or even saying she was sorry. Just regret. And if you heard the interview in which she made that statement, you had to believe she meant the regret as much as she meant the cause of the attack was from a video. She's about as sincere as Iran complying with the USA's demands for lifting the sanctions.

But so what? It doesn't make a difference if those guys were killed by terrorists or by guys just out for a walk. They're dead and that's all we should concern ourselves with--not with why they're dead. To do that would turn over too many stones, and you know turning over stones can be dangerous with all those snakes you often find hiding under them. 

There's the highly venomous rice snake that travels extensively and strikes out in the morning; it can be very deceptive, but make no mistake, while it may appear harmless, it's extremely poisonous. 

Of course, there's the ever-present clinton cobra, with it's painful bite and tendency to simply allow its victim to die in the wild. The clinton cobra is considered to be queen of snakes that other snakes know enough to avoid and do so to a fault. In fact, when danger presents itself to the clinton cobra, the other snakes of the jungle will jump into the fray to defend it.

The panetta python and carney slime viper both have a poison that leads to states of confusion and amnesia. You can tell them apart not so much from their skin design, but from their behavior. The panetta python slithers in any direction to avoid trouble while the carney slime viper spits its venom in one direction, but it still somehow hits you in the face with its poison.

But the most dangerous snake of them all is the obaminator king bower, with its seductive hiss and distracting movements. The interesting thing about this snake is that it serves no purpose in the ecological balance of nature, but acts as if it does. More importantly, however, the obaminator will bite you and then attempt to bite everyone else it can get its fangs into.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

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