Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cowardly Cuomo Gets His Lawyer to Walk it Back

New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, told pro-life, anti- gay marriage, and pro-assault weapons advocates they are not welcome in New York, ". . . because that's not who New Yorkers are." Evidently, he hasn't met New Yorkers like me, and I've been a New Yorker before he was born.

Cuomo's assertion angered Fox News' Sean Hannity enough that he threatened to leave New York: "Governor Cuomo, I'm going to leave and I'm taking all my money with me--every single solitary penny." 

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal tweeted: Hey displaced and persecuted New Yorkers . . . You can find refuge, loving people and great food in Louisiana. 

Cuomo, a "Cafeteria Catholic," believes in late-term abortions and gender-specific abortions. You know that kind--it's where when the parents wanted a boy but discover the mother is carrying a girl, they kill her in the womb, or vice-versa. Cuomo even has the audacity of dope to claim he respects Catholic teachings.

But cowardly Cuomo realized his beliefs were not popular and might not work to get the 2016 nomination for president, had his lawyer walk it back: "The Governor was making the point that he makes often: New York is a politically moderate state and an extremist agenda is not politically viable statewide." Gee, and I thought all along that what he meant was those who don't believe in killing unborn babies, who also believe in the Second Amendment of the US Constitution, and do not condone same-sex marriage are not welcome in New York. I wonder how I got that wrong.

For Cuomo and liberals like him, abortion is the norm and believing in the sanctity of life is extremism. He doesn't even have a problem with aborting a child of an unwanted gender.

Believing in the words of the Constitution is also extreme. I guess Rush Limbaugh nailed it when he said that "liberals want to interpret the Constitution while conservatives want to quote it."

Cuomo is an asshat with the moral compass of a weasel. He is a pompous, sanctimonious, self-serving politico who wants to be a power-grabber, like those in his party. As Charles Krauthammer once said, "a liberal believes you can do anything you want, as long as it's mandated."

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