Saturday, December 7, 2013

Why Not Blame the Jews--Jihadists Do

Blame the Jews. Newly elected Brooklyn councilwoman, Laurie Cumbo does. She believes that blacks resent the success of Jewish people and this is why they have been targeted in the crime whose diminutive, less serious term is known as the "knockout game." 

Ms. Cumbo, who is black posted on her Facebook page that black residents in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, are afraid of being "pushed out" by their Jewish landlords. Now that is definitely a new, neat way of looking at what is motivating these young thugs to attacking unsuspecting, often elderly Jewish women and men. They are afraid they will lose their apartments. It makes perfect sense; if I want to remain living in my current apartment house, the way to ensure that is to beat the crap out of my landlord, or at least do it symbolically. That's like a damn James Joyce novel. To be fair, Ms. Cumbo stated that she admires Jewish people, but added "The accomplishments of the Jewish community triggers feelings of resentment, and a sense that Jewish success is not also their success." You mean to tell me that if I break a world record in the New York City Marathon that record doesn't include everyone else along the sidelines? Okay, maybe not the Jews, but what about all the others who stood there and watched me succeed--don't they deserve credit too?

In Cumbo's letter, she said that many of her black constituents told her of the threat they feel by the growth of the neighborhood's Jewish community, which she believes causes tensions to spike the recent violence. Given the fact that the Jews have lived in Crown Heights over sixty years and have coexisted with blacks, I find Ms. Cumbo's beliefs as to the cause of violence nothing short of an anemic excuse for these senseless attacks. In fact, trying to make sense out of a senseless act is like saying that the reason for oxygen to exist is so that we can breathe. It's lazy thinking.

Here is Cumbo's letter:

The recent epidemic of the “Knock Out Game” in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn and throughout the Nation has forced me to make some early decisions as to what type of elected official I want to be as I prepare to take office in January. It is a most challenging time to assume office, as the elderly and our children have become targets of violence, undermining the very foundation of community. I was very pleased on November 19th, 2013 that Rabbi Chanina Sperlin organized a community forum of religious leaders, school principals, elected officials, community leaders, and law enforcement to address this issue in order to prevent it from spiraling out of control both in our neighborhood and beyond.

Many thoughts emerged from that meeting, including a recognition that the African American/Caribbean/Jewish community had come a long way since the Crown Heights Riots over twenty years ago. Others expressed sentiments that while there has been much progress, it was unfortunate that it took a tragedy in the community to bring the leadership together once again. Some demanded justice and swift legal action, while others stressed the importance of educational programs that would teach our youth about one another’s cultures. Today, most young people are not even aware that the Crown Heights Riots even happened.

At the forum, there was a great deal of confusion about why this epidemic had begun in the first place, and whether or not it should be viewed as a series of hate crimes. My comments regarding my thoughts on the origin of the “Knock Out Game” came from a place of wanting to get to the heart of the matter, as uncomfortable as that might be for many. As I campaigned throughout the primary season, I knocked on the doors of thousands of Jewish and African American/Caribbean residents in Crown Heights. Through those interactions, it was brought to my attention by many of the African American/Caribbean residents that perhaps the relationship between the two communities is not as great as it is currently perceived to be by the leadership. At the meeting, I shared that many African American/Caribbean residents expressed a genuine concern that as the Jewish community continues to grow, they would be pushed out by their Jewish landlords or by Jewish families looking to purchase homes. I relayed these sentiments at the forum not as an insult to the Jewish community, but rather to offer possible insight as to how young African American/Caribbean teens could conceivably commit a “hate crime” against a community that they know very little about.

I admire the Jewish community immensely. I am particularly inspired by the fact that the Jewish community has not assimilated to the dominant American culture, and has preserved their religious and cultural values while remaining true to themselves. I respect and appreciate the Jewish community’s family values and unity that has led to strong political, economic and cultural gains. While I personally regard this level of tenacity, I also recognize that for others, the accomplishments of the Jewish community triggers feelings of resentment, and a sense that Jewish success is not also their success.

I believe that it is critical for our communities, and especially for our young people, to gain a greater understanding of one another so that we can learn more about each other’s challenges and triumphs despite religious and cultural differences. I believe it is possible for us to create real friendships across cultural boundaries that transcend mere tolerance, but rather strive for mutual respect and admiration. I know that there is so very much that can be gained by learning from one another. When I assume office in January, I will be working with local leaders to plan a series of events that will bring our young people together. It is crucial that we do the hard work to truly create one community, and I am looking for your full support and participation.

I fully recognize the severity of these recent crimes and I, along with City, State and Federal elected officials are calling for a detailed investigation, which I am confident will lead to arrests and legal action. It is imperative that we send a zero-tolerance message to the individuals who are responsible for these attacks. Let me make it abundantly clear, notwithstanding my eagerness to build bridges between diverse peoples and communities, any crime committed by one individual against another is a crime and must be viewed and treated as such. If one person attacks another, regardless of the motivation, there is no justification for such an action. We should never blame a victim, or try to explain away any wrongdoing. The issue of race or religion is but a red-herring one when it comes to crime. As a civilized people we must hold every felon accountable for his or her felony. Yet, since the issue of race has been unfortunately been introduced into the conversation about the current epidemic, I pray that I can assist in bringing my Jewish and African-American/Caribbean constituents to a far better relationship and understanding than the ones that exists today.

As an African American woman, this is challenging, because I recognize that it is Black children and not Jewish children that are playing the “Knock Out Game.” Why is this? In many ways governmental neglect, outside uncontrolled influences and failed leadership have led to the breakdown that so many young people of color are currently facing. I feel torn because I feel apart of the very system that has caused the destructive path that so many young people have decided to take while I am simultaneously demanding that they be arrested by that same system.

I am concerned that the media attention around the “Knock Out Game” is divisive and will erode the real progress that has been made over decades. The recent November 26th article published in The Jewish Week, paints African American teens in a dangerous light, and could cause the vast majority of innocent young people of color to be seen as criminals in the Crown Heights community as a result of the actions of a dangerous small minority. At the same time, there are some people in the African-American/Caribbean community who foster stereotypical views of Jewish people, which is why it is important that we create a more open dialogue. – 

The letter hangs here, with the reader hoping that Jewish people will agree to have a more open dialogue with the local black community. I see Ms. Cumbo's point about the media possibly increasing divisiveness, and I don't disagree with her. But more importantly, we need black leaders like Sharpton and Jackson to do more--maybe resign and stop spreading the hatred--or maybe speak out against this criminal activity. We need President Obama to quit his divisiveness along with the race card accusers on the left. And some serious arrests for hate crimes wouldn't hurt either.

But blaming the victims seems to be the ploy a la mode. Jihadists do it all the time with the Jews, who they refer to as apes and pigs, and now we have a black councilwoman doing it, albeit to a lesser degree, and in a different way.

The trouble is, however, for many out there, the knockout game is cool because it gets put up on the internet. The young people doing it have serious problems in the home, the community, and in the culture. These things have to change. Throwing money at the problem isn't going to solve it either.

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