Monday, August 19, 2013

Exploring the Religion of Peace in the World

Sometimes you look at what's going on in the world and you marvel at how the United States can walk on eggshells when it comes to Islam and its terror components. It amazes me how sharia law is defended by liberals who don't see a conflict with it and the Constitution. It further amazes me how our president can back the Muslim Brotherhood without fear of reprisal from the public.

Sharia is the name for Islamic law. It is overseen by imams, even here in some Muslim-heavy towns,  and they use Islam to make legal decisions. When a religion is clearly misogynistic, as Islam clearly is, then it stands to reason that women and girls are not going to get a fair deal, at least the way modern civilized society defines "fair". A recent article on Pamela Geller's Atlas Shrugs blog entitled UK: Number of Muslims Attacking Girls with Acid and Other Corrosive Substances Soars shows just how Islam thinks of its women. If a girl posts her photo on Facebook, for example, or does anything that shows her feminine individuality, something like this can happen to her. BY HER FAMILY! In once case several years ago, a father committed vehicular homicide on his daughter and another woman for helping her because "she became too Americanized."

Where is the National Organization for Women on this one? Where are all the feminists who voices can cry out about a woman's right to elect to terminate their unborn child, but refuses to cry out to protect women in danger of being killed?

Now that Benghazi is out of the headlines, and Hillary, et al, feel secure knowing that their incompetence, or worse, has gone unpunished (rewarded, in fact), the town of Benghazi is still under Islamic attack. Another Atlas Shrugs blog: Bombing of Egyptian Consulate in Benghazi, Libya Injures Security Guard, Children depicts more violence and bloodshed. Children are given the same due that adults get where jihad is concerned: they are considered viable targets and if they're hurt or injured, it is Allah's wish.

Jihad is spreading throughout the world and it is being aided by governments who are backed by the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama doesn't see them as a threat to his America; in fact, he has invited members of the Muslim Brotherhood to the White House and has showed open support for Morsi, the MB president of Egypt who was overthrown on July 3rd, 2013. Obama has asked for Morsi's release from the prison where he's being held. General al Sisi, instead, is in the process of having Mubarak released in his stead.

We tolerate Islam in the West because we are a tolerant people, in general. Islam, on the other hand, is the least tolerant religion on the planet, and if you don't believe me, just read about their 14 hundred year old history. Currently, in Albania: Muslim Groups with the Help of Government Officials Seize  Church, Beat Clergy. They are very clear in the Koran about other religions, and they are particularly violent toward the Jews, mainly because Muhammad, couldn't convince the Jewish desert tribes of converting to his religion--it started out too pagan for them and they refused to worship Allah, the moon god. Once the Muslim population of Albania grew large enough for a jihad, that's exactly what happened and is happening today.

But Albania is certainly not alone with an out of control Muslim population hell-bent on taking over to assist in the creation of a world caliphate. Iran is another player and they continue the Islamic anti-Semitic tradition even in regard to Egypt. Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch discusses how Iran's Supremo blames Israel and U.S. +for turmoil in Egypt.

Political correctness is just the West's way of saying, "Do what you want, we'll cover your butts." When Nadal Hasan massacred 13 soldiers at Fort Hood four years ago, Obama called it "workplace violence." That would be a joke if it weren't for the fact that our men and women died for this Muslim's jihad. The attorney for the victims of this horrible shooting is finally calling them out on it. In Attorney for Fort Hood jihad massacre victims: Obama and Army "twisted rules" to avoid admitting that Hasan is a jihadist political correctness is finally under attack. If we refuse to define our enemy and know his tactics, there's no way we can win the war. And yes, it is a war; the real one, not the little ones we see all over the world.

So when we read about how Christians are being attacked all over the world by Muslims, killed, burned, beheaded, just for being Christian, we can drop the PC bulls**t and call it for what it is: Islamic jihad. For more delightful reading on this subject, feel free to go to: Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood supporters torch a Christian school, parade nuns through streets as "prisoners of war" Of course, I'm being sarcastic about the delightful part.

It's exhausting to follow Islamic terrorism in the news. It drains me and it's like a video-loop that goes on and on. But to ignore it is suicidal, and I have no intention of allowing anyone to "do in" my country. We need to unite and get rid of all those career politicians of both parties who are in it for themselves and not our country. We need to vote out the RINOs and liberals who refuse to believe their lying eyes.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

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