Sunday, July 28, 2013

Why Fox News Lose Views

Seriously, it's getting frustrating and downright annoying to watch Fox News lately. I understand the fair and balanced part, but I'm not a fan of liberals cutting off the conversation whenever a conservative begins to speak. I know conservatives do the same thing, only less frequently, and since I'm a conservative, I find it less irritating when the conservative is guilty. I don't watch Fox to see some libtard shut down the truth with their "Obama is a perfect human being and conservatives are wrong about everything." 

I don't always agree with Bill O'Reilly, especially with his views on Islam (e.g., that it's a religion of peace), but I like the way he handles liberals when they try to filibuster--Barney Frank, back in 2008, was held to task, as you can see in this Video. O'Reilly allowed him to speak and once Frank started to ramble on and on, he shut him down.

Perhaps what they need to do on Fox is have a way of shutting off the microphones of those who are presenting their opinions, whether it's liberal or conservative. So much anger is being generated in politics nowadays, and it almost feels like there's going to be  revolution. Both sides seem to not only disagree with the other, but there's a strong animosity, and when the media allows this back and forth acrimony, it only gets worse.

MSNBC is obviously not fair and balanced--they're so in the bag for Obama, instead of wearing American lapel flags, they ought to be wearing Obama buttons. This also goes for the other networks, but MSNBC is the worst. When a so-called reporter fails to report on things that go against the message he or she wants to convey, that is not journalism, that is not the purpose of freedom of the press.

But Fox News is moving slowly to the left, it seems, and I am not alone in this opinion. They need to be a voice for conservatives and too damn bad if the left has a problem with that. (Notice how they want to shut off speech from conservatives--remember the Watters piece on O'Reilly where he asked students if they should throw Rush Limbaugh off the air and most said they should?)

The Constitution is good only when it serves their purpose--now is the time for Fox to serve ours. I believe if they continue to allow liberals like Tamara Holder, Jehmu Greene, and others to speak over conservatives, and not challenge them like O'Reilly does, Fox will lose viewers to the conservative blogs. Hopefully one of those blogs will be this one, but there are many choices out there.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

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