Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Race to Judgment

I'm wondering what to do today--it's a slow writing day now that I'm into the editing period of my novel and I asked myself, "Rob, what do you want to do to cut the boredom?"

So I thought about it and came up with the idea of going to Sanford, Florida and protesting the Zimmerman case. The verdict is awaiting the jury's decision and there are groups of people who have nothing to do to deal with the boredom of their less than interesting lives, and they're protesting in front of the courthouse. Some want an acquittal, some want George Zimmerman's testicles put in a vice and squeezed until his eyeballs pop out of his head, but one thing for sure, they've all made up their minds of his guilt or innocence. I have to admit, I have a fairly clear idea of what the verdict should be, but after thinking about this case in depth, have decided not to spend my time holding up a sign that will serve no other purpose than to possibly give me media exposure as just another idiot who has nothing better to do, and will not change the judicial outcome one iota. (Now there's a word you won't hear me say too often.)

Now here are some of my opinions on the case:

1. President Obama, in his statement about how if he had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin, should be on trial for his creating a racial case out of this fiasco (another word you won't hear from me most days). He was the president who said he will bring this country together and unite us. Well, he got the letters right with the word 'unite' but he must have mean untie us, because that's what he has done. I think Obama has more than enough in his presidential record to seriously consider impeachment procedures.

2. In concert with Barry's proclamation and his obvious taking of sides, the media referred to Zimmerman as a "white Hispanic ." That's like calling Trayvon Martin a "white Negro." I believe we should boycott those media outlets, like the Times, who are so left wing they may as well call themselves socialists.

3. We saw how the very very Reverend Al Sharptongue and the incredibly Reverend Jessie Jackson made this a racial issue last year (you can read the article here ). These race hustlers need to keep the racial nostalgia going because it makes them rich and keeps them in the spotlight. I believe that if there are race riots from this, these two clowns, along with others who are involved, should be put on trial themselves for inciting riots.

So whatever the outcome is, there are going to be people dissatisfied with whatever the jury decides--they think they know what they don't know. One thing I believe I know is that this was never a racial issue but politicians made it one for their own advantages. It's pretty disgusting.

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