Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Verdict is Not Guilty

Even the DoJ's involvement with the Zimmerman case could change the outcome. Nothing he does seems to work. George Zimmerman is a free man. This is the American justice system at its best.

Nobody rioted in the streets when OJ was first acquitted. I wonder what would have happened had he originally been found guilty. Would there have been rioting? Perhaps. But conservatives don't riot. We even clean up after ourselves when we protest. Look at the tea party for example. Conservatives don't riot because we back our systems of justice and our Constitution. It's the left that riots.

As I watch the news and see the protesters in front of the Sanford, Florida courthouse, I see angry people shaking their fists. They have made a racial issue out of this case and they are wrong. They are holding signs that say things like: "Stop Stand Your Ground Law," because the verdict wasn't to their liking.

I feel sorry for the Martin family--they have lost a son. I feel sorry for Zimmerman because he has lost the life he had before all this. But I am so glad to see this outcome. 

The prosecution spoke tonight and I have to say, they can be proud of the job they did. They were professional and did the best they could do with the evidence they had--it's just that they didn't have enough to convict Zimmerman. Bernie D, one of the prosecution attorneys, was not happy with the verdict and spoke only a few sentences that expressed this. During further questioning, Bernie appeared to challenge the outcome and as the media questioning continued, I believe the prosecution lawyers went too far with their opinions. The case is over. Let it be.

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