Sunday, July 14, 2013

Race Baiter Agitators Are Agitated Tonight

You going down
The race brokers are calling for calm. They did their thing last year when people like Jessie Jackson said that this was a racial case. He said, "There was this feeling that we were beyond racism." He spoke about the mistaken assumption that all of our racial problems were resolved with the election of Obama. To read about this in the LA Times go here.

The very very Reverend Al Sharptongue, the race baiter agitator, is not satisfied with the not guilty verdict, and why should he be--after all, if the public came to accept that our judicial system, while not perfect, is the best in the world, Sharpton would have nothing do do but twitter his thumbs rather than twitter his intolerance. On the other hand, I am truly amazed that Sharpton and Jackson actually are "men of the cloth." They don't preach the love of Jesus, they preach racial intolerance.

If you take an honest look at the facts in this case, you will see that there simply wasn't enough evidence to convict Zimmerman for murder or manslaughter--there were too many reasonable doubts. If you take an honest look at the outcry of anger from the results of the verdict, you will see that it is really a case of white against black, along with the nostalgic race protesters of the 1960's. These are the people stuck in time, remembering their younger days when the world sang Kumbayah, held hands, and danced along the sides of mountains fighting to quell the racism that became the battle cry of the left, in spite of their real history of KKK, Jim Crow, Bull Connor racism.

It's sad that in a country where a black man has been elected president, where we have come so far and away from racism, that the left, as well as the shameful media, continue to use this ploy. I'm not saying racism doesn't exist, but it has nothing to do with the GOP anymore than it did with George Zimmerman standing his ground in what he perceived to be a deadly assault on him. 

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