Friday, July 12, 2013

Closing Arguments Regarding the Death of Obama's Sort of Son

Well it's finally getting wrapped up and the judge is reading the law to the jury. She is explaining when it's lawful to kill another person and when it isn't. Trayvon's parents are solemn. George Zimmerman appears tired but he's probably anxious. Mark O'Mara is listening intently as is Bernie D of the prosecution.

This morning, Mark O'Mara gave his summation--it took over three hours and made for very boring television without commercial interruption. The prosecution rebutted this by describing Trayvon as a "child," who was killed by a "man." But in reality, there is no actual evidence to convict Zimmerman. Nothing. His recounting of what happened was not totally consistent, but that's a normal occurrence with memory, particularly under the stress of confrontation. 

Surprisingly, there are no protesters in front of the courthouse calling for the release of George Zimmerman--wait--I forgot, Zimmerman is a white Hispanic, according to the Times, and protesters don't rally around whites, even when they're innocent.

I am not saying, however, that George Zimmerman is innocent. I wasn't there, you weren't there. I am saying that he cannot be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt; at least from the way I see it. I cannot imagine how he can be convicted, in spite of the fact that the person he killed looked like he could have been Obama's son. The only way George Zimmerman could be forgiven by the left is if he was a jihadist or an NFL star. Being a white Hispanic just won't cut it.

These Thugs Killed this Mother for Her Tips
It's notable that the media didn't make a big deal about the murder of an Indiana waitress , 24 year old Jacqueline Gardner by three black men. They killed her for her tip money at the end of her shift. To read more about this go here 

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