Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Terrorist Attack

If you see something, say something. That really sounds good. It sounds like we with all the eyes, are going to find all the terrorists with all the bombs, and prevent what happened in Boston from happening. But it happened and with all our eyes, we were not able to say something to stop it. Slogans can be so comforting though, can't they?

President Obama spoke for a few minutes a little while ago and said nothing new. He vowed to find the person or people who did this, and extract justice. One wonders if justice would be via civil court if it ever gets that far. One wonders if justice will be merely the words without the actions, much like Benghazi, much like OJ Simpson's mystery killer claim.

6:45 PM: the White House does at this time believe the Boston bombings were an act of terrorism, but the president has not yet declared that because he's being cautious--I don't blame him. But I will blame him if it is discovered that this was, indeed, an act of terrorism (of the Islamic persuasion) and he white washes it like Benghazi. 

I am a native New Yorker and remember 9-11 vividly. In fact, I worked as a psychotherapist with 9-11 victim's families. I was just going into session when the first plane hit--we all thought it was an accident. When the second plane hit, we all knew it was terrorism. In Boston, the runners knew by the second explosion that it was terrorism--the first responders were fantastic. People lost arms and legs, two were killed. And I just learned that one of the dead is an 8 year old child.

America is resilient, but we are sometimes too forgiving. If anything positive can come out of this, I hope it will be that liberals open their eyes and say something, but I hope they will say something different from what we're accustomed to hearing from them. It is time for us to react to these attacks and show the terrorists what real terror can look like.

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