Monday, March 25, 2013

Guns, Country and Anti-Semitism on MSNBC

The anti-Second Amendment liberals are still at it with their attempts at taking away the rights of legal gun owners. New York Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, has whipped out his wallet and spent $12M on national ads to bolster support for gun control.The ads run in 13 states where Nanny Bloomie hopes to win the support of senators who might be on the fence with this issue. The talk about assault weapons is gone from the discussion, but now the Bloomster wants universal background checks. 

Some on the left want gun retailers to keep background records and check them when a purchase is made. That's putting law enforcement into the hands of the retailers, and that's never a good thing, but I rarely blame liberals of being guilty of suggesting a good thing.

So, who will be keeping check on those who are keeping check? Who will decide who can and cannot get guns? What determines a person's rights or restrictions from gun ownership? Only the Shadow knows.

On MSNBC (aka PMSNBC), panelists concluded that anyone who might oppose Bloomberg, would probably be doing so out of anti-Semitism. Not that the notion of upholding the US Constitution could possibly be a reason. The two people who discussed this were Mike Barnicle and Al Sharpton.

Don't you love it when liberals do not allow the lacking of facts to stand in the way of their claims? Rather than having an honest, intelligent discussion on gun control, these mouth-breathers pull out the race card. But when they make racially charged statements themselves, they get a free pass with the mainstream media. Liberals claim to be the party for all the people while the GOP are racist old white men. Let me ask you this: was Obama's landslide victory with the black vote based on what black people knew of his ability or was it due to their own racial bias? This may sound like an unpopular thing to say, but let's face it, many black voters admitted to voting for Obama simply based on his skin color. 

And here we have Al Sharpton discussing anti-Semitism as if he has the market cornered on racial harmony. Ha! Who better to discuss anti-Semitism than Sharpton? Do you remember the racial riots of 1991 in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY? A Jewish man accidentally hit and killed a black child with his car, which started the riots with Sharpton at the helm. He was quoted as saying: " If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house."

I wonder if the very right Reverend Sharpton, a man of the cloth, feels sorry he ever said those words. He never apologized. Maybe the cloth he's a man of is simply a rag.

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