Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Last Goodbye to Andrew Breitbart

 This video says so much about Andrew while saying even more about the lunatic left.  I never met Andrew but based solely on what I know of him and even on this simple video, I know I would have wanted to have him as a friend.  It wasn't only his courage that I find so admirable, but of his relentless pursuit of the truth.  Just look at the hemming and hawing of those idiots protesting because they were directed to protest. This is exactly how the left wants the masses to behave--blindly, stupidly, and at the drop of a hat.  The crowd in this video are no better informed on issues they were protesting than the Occupiers were who were stinking up towns all across the world. Some of them got paid to be there, and some of these asshats probably did too.

What's most obvious to me whenever I have the pleasure to meet one of these clowns, is how self-righteous they are, acting as if they know "the facts," when, in fact, their knowledge is minimal if it exists at all, regarding social concerns and political issues.  They say they're protesting hate (as if it even makes sense to protest a human emotion), but the idiot carrying the sign seemed so angry and hateful.  It's actually rather laughable, except that the person who had the courage to confront him and the crowd is dead.  Speaking of crowd, notice how they backed away from the one man with the courage to call them out on their bs signs.

I read some of the hateful tweets and Matt Taibbi's disgusting rant in the Rolling Stone rag.  It showed me how cowardly Taibbi is--I hope his mainstream media, NBC, daddy is proud of him.  It's so easy for cowards to attack the dead.

I believe it's time for conservatives to stop accepting the crap being handed to us by the left.  Our political leaders seem even better than the rest of us at doing that--we need to confront the lies, the Obama agenda and his lies along with the ongoing failures, and take the power out of the hands of socialists. Change can only be good when we change who is in the White House now. 

If you are interested in Islamic terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--I have provided the links below.  A New York City reporter is taken hostage by terrorists and must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     

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