Sunday, March 4, 2012

Conservatives vs. Liberals: Apples and Sour Grapes

Some of the differences between run-of-the-mill conservatives and run-of-the-mill liberals are easy to spot.  The former person reveres the flag, often uses it as his or her avatar on Twitter or their blog, and proudly salutes it in places and at times where it is normally saluted. The liberal passes laws that say that the freedom to desecrate the American flag is what real freedom is all about--but freedom is not about discussing your opinions publicly regarding Islam, or burning their holy book--a book so holy that it has for fourteen hundred years incited holy wars, murders, homophobia, misogyny, religious intolerance of non-Muslims, and anti-Semitism.  

A conservative thinks America is the greatest nation on earth and does not need their spouse to become President to finally feel proud of their country.  A conservative actually means what he or she says when saying the Pledge of Allegiance--a liberal tries to ban the Pledge because it has a bad word in it--that word is 'God'. So, conservatives honor the flag for what it symbolizes; liberals burn the flag for the same reason, and have the freedom to do so without impunity because of the freedoms conservatives died for.

 At times of war, an able-bodied conservative fights for America because he or she knows how fragile freedom can be in a world of barbarians; a liberal will often dodge the draft and protest the war, berate the heroes who served in it, and act self-righteous.  In spite of this, they still believe in their motto: "My fair share."

Conservatives are willing to take risks for their personal successes in life. Liberals want to be cared for by the government and the only risks they are willing to take is unprotected sex because if there is a problem, a free abortion can fix it by simply killing the baby. Of course they never put it in such blunt terms--liberals kick conservatives butt when it comes to rationalizing--they "terminate the pregnancy," as if it has nothing to do with another life.  Now we have a college student who wants the public to pay for her "health care" costs of birth control. President Obama even spoke with her on the phone (I guess he couldn't get through to Brian Terry's parents to give his condolences on the death of their Border Agent's death).  If birth control is a health care issue and the taxpayer should pay for it, then my gym membership is a health care issue that should also be paid for by taxpayers . . . and my soap, toothpaste, and you get the point. Just more liberal rationalization.

Conservatives have straightforward expectations of the people in their lives: be fair to me, and I will be fair to you. Liberals think of "fair" in terms of their "fair share." They never quite define what is fair, but it is always on their terms, not on the person who they want to be fair to them. They expect people to provide jobs for them and they call these people "the government," when in reality they are comprised of all people, even conservatives. Liberals want conservatives and others to go against their principals so that they can receive things from them at no cost. They demand that religious groups go against their beliefs and conscience and pay for their birth control and contraceptives because they say that every American is "entitled to health care." This is what I meant by how they kick butt with their rationalizing. It is not a fact that everyone is entitled to free health care, nor is it a fact that birth control and contraception is even a health care issue; it is a liberal rationalization

Conservatives use facts and issues to select a person to become their leader--at least most conservatives do.  Liberals use their emotions and select the candidate they feel is cooler, smarter, better-looking, and with it. This is how Obama became President; it had to be the reason since almost nothing was known about him, and even his voting record was practically sterile, voting present on issues rather than actually have the guts to take a stand.  His use of emotional buzz words and promises was what got him elected; nothing else. Liberals, you see, would rather go along with lofty promises of having the heavens handed to them than hear an honest assessment of what needs to be done in order to begin solving the nation's problems. The former involves dreams, while the latter involves work.

One cannot be a conservative if one believes our country is not exceptional.  One cannot be a conservative if one "buys" the slogan "Yes We Can," instead of "Yes I Can." One cannot be a true conservative if one does not support America's closest ally, Israel, and stand against our enemies and those of our allies.  One cannot be a conservative if they are a racist--racism is not an option in a land comprised of all races, hundreds of languages, and a multitude of religions--we are all Americans and must stand together--slavery was a Democratic invention and Lincoln was the first Republican President and he ended slavery. But Republicans are not guilt-free when it comes to racism, however, do not let a Democrat make you believe that we are the party of the racist because we refused to vote for a socialist black man; remember what I said about liberals and their expertise on rationaization--they might convince you of their nonsense with the words they use. 

Comparing conservatives to liberals is like comparing apples to sour grapes. 


If you are interested in Islamic terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--I have provided the links below.  A New York City reporter is taken hostage by terrorists and must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.   FREE Ebook:  Conservatweets

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