Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday's Flushings

What a week it has been with the passing of a conservative soldier, Andrew Breitbart, gas prices continuing to rise, the Egyptian hostages being freed for a mere $5 million, Ben and Jerry attempting to fund Occupy Wall Street, and Joe Biden saying stupid things to Catholics. Where do I start?  Forget Biden--he isn't worth my time, let's talk about Afghanistan.

I spoke about Andrew Breitbart in yesterday's blog but didn't mention the disgusting response Mike Taibbi wrote in Rolling Stone (or is it "Stoned"?) Magazine, which said that he was glad Breitbart was dead.  How courageous a scumbucket like Taibbi, (who would be Occupying something if his daddy wasn't a TV newsman) is to write about the dead. And the left is generally the most PC, except when it comes to being disgusting with their lies about the right.  Of course Andrew Breitbart was hated by the left--that's because his message rang true and they were afraid of him.  When the Weinerschnitzel, for example, got outed by Andrew, and lied by trying to discredit him and get him fired, the Congressman didn't have the manliness to apologize and admit he totally sucks as a human being--his Islamic wife was all pregnant and hot flashing all over the place while he was tweeting his junk.  I hope somehow Andrew's work carries on by us, but it will take more than one person to do it. Final thought about this--imagine if Michael Moore died of a hamburger heart attack and conservatives said "good, he's gone and I'm glad." Can you hear the self-righteous indignation from the mainstream media?

The gas prices might be Obama's undoing, particularly since Steven Chu, the Energy Secretary, blew it by telling the truth--they never wanted the price of gasoline to go down, they wanted to make it climb so that alternative fuels would be more attractive to the poor working stiffs. Welcome to a world of exploding batteries and solar panels companies that you are funding at $9 million a job.  As for me, I refuse to buy an electric car.

The Egyptian hostages are home and their companies paid $5 million in booty to the thieving government.  I wonder if Obama is going to still give them the billions in foreign aid that we do every year. I suspect he will because he believes it will go to a good cause, often referred to as "jihad." 

Ben Cohen  and Jerry Greenfield, of the Ben and Jerry's Company, have decided to fund the Occupy movement, but in a hilarious turn of events, the movement doesn't want them dictating to them as to how they should allocate the money.  People of odor walked out of the first meeting, and we must now wait to see where it's going to go.  The next flavor they are currently working on is the Karl Marxmellow sundae, which they hope to make huge profits on by summer, in spite of their denouncing capitalism. Their first honorary customer for this sundae will be Michael-I-Can-Eat-Moore.

Obama apologized again for the killing of Korans--wait--you can't kill Korans--I mean the burning of Korans by mistake. The Islamic orthodox accepted the apology by shooting two more Americans in the head.  In an interview, Obama said the apologies were calming things down, and I suppose after you kill someone for burning a book you hold to be more valuable than human life,  you might calm down afterward once your bloodlust is satisfied, but Obama doesn't have a clue on how to deal with terrorism and Afghans--they see him as a weakling, and thus, see us as weak too.  

Oh, by the way, did you hear that we taxpayers are funding a soccer field for terrorist suspects at Guantanamo Bay?  Truth is stranger than fiction. 

Well, the weekend is coming and I hope yours is a good one.  I see that there are severe tornadoes in the Midwest and south and I pray people are safe.

If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                FREE Ebook:  Conservatweets

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