Monday, October 24, 2011

We Love You More Than We Love Ourselves: We're Liberals

What other country in the world has immigration laws as benevolent as ours? In fact, our laws go so far beyond being benevolent that they are downright unfair to those immigrants who go through the process of getting their green cards or their citizenship lawfully. For all the work legal immigrants do, we give more to those who come here illegally, and then suck from the system.  Case in point, Obama's DREAM Act--an act of law by our president that gives tuition breaks for college to illegal aliens but not to legal immigrants.The DREAM Act is an acronym for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors, and it makes as much sense of our sending foreign aid to China and Russia, which we do.

Our bigger problem with immigration, however, is not the DREAM Act but is the slow erosion of our culture. Laughingly called the religion of peace, or Islam, (to you beheading fans), is a minority religion in the USA that is vying for control of our laws and our culture. 

CAIR's Awad hawking donation from Qadaffy
But if Islam is really the religion of peace, why does it seem like such an oxymoron to even call it that? Why did one Occupy Wall Street Muslim sign-holder have a sign that read: "Muslims: Pray for Peace and the Destruction of Israel"?  The left's social bowel movement is becoming Islamofied with support by CAIR, or the Council on American Islamic Relations. This organization is the unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation case which proved that the Muslim Brotherhood funded terrorism in the USA.  Our very own Attorney General, Eric Holder, refused to indict CAIR when he had the chance. In fact, CAIR is currently trying to convince Holder to outlaw any criticism of Islam and slack off on the terrorism funding, for Allah's sake. This is why Holder, along with his boss, Hussein Obama, are the two most dangerous men in office.

We must put our citizens first--our culture is worth it. Some cultures are better than others. Not everyone deserves a trophy. If everyone is great, then greatness is a myth. Some civilizations are just that, civilized, and some are not--they hold beliefs that their religion is better than all others, and believe they need to spread it throughout the world--they have been doing this for 1400 years and it doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon. So we need to wake up and stop acting like it's okay to change what we have in order to give them what they want, because they want a Caliphate--total jurisdiction over the world, death to Israel, and Christians knowing their place beneath Muslims.

Hell, they don't even know how to land jet aircraft.

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