Friday, July 15, 2011

Dumber and Dumbest

I have no idea to what you're referring
Operation Fast and Furious could just as easily been named Operation Dumb and Dumber. But the point of the operation itself was not dumb, it was political. And the result of the operation was the death of two American law enforcement agents and over 150 Mexican nationals, along with the loss of well over a thousand rifles of the AK 47 variety and many thousands of live rounds of ammunition. The stated purpose for this botched operation was to allow straw purchasers to buy guns at legal U.S. gunshops, telling the shops to sell these guns in spite of their reluctance to do so, and then to trace the guns to the "Big Nacho Cheeses" across the border. Of course, since it was a government operation, the guns got lost within the first few hours, and there were no stand-out "Big Nacho Cheeses."

ATF Special Agent Vince Cefalu, one of the "whistleblowers" of Operation Fast and Furious, stated that Kenneth Melson, Acting Director of the ATF, was simply protecting his own ass when he testified before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on July 4th.  For Agent Cefalu, he was given a notice of termination from the ATF just one day after Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to the ATF warning them not to retaliate against agents who came forward to testify about the operation. This is approximately the same day that things at the ATF building started taking on a peculiar odor, and Attorney General Eric Holder developed a severe case of amnesia, a chronic condition for Holder who has experienced these symptoms several times before.

Emails revealed that certain people at the top of the food chain were aware of the operation. Specifically, Melson, Assistant Attorney General (Criminal Division no less) Lanny Breuer, Acting Deputy Director of the ATF William Hoover, DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart and Director of the FBI Robert Mueller all knew about it. Of course, Holder was kept in the dark because either they thought he was a moron whose incompetence is only exceeded by his poor judgment, or that memory problem of his was getting worse.

And since this was an operation involving national security, heaven forbid Janet Napolitano would know anything, nor would Hillary, since there are serious international implications in a cross-border operation. So these lovely ladies are innocent, I'm sure.  Just like Holder .  .  .  and Obama are innocent. Why would Obama know? He's so busy doing the budget each night before bedtime--It's like a homework assignment for him.

I'm sure the New York Times could explain the real truth behind the operation. Like the unsigned editorial this rag printed on July 13th:  "These guns have no legitimate place in civilian life and were banned outright for 10 years until Congress and two successive administrations failed to fight for the ban's approval."  Of course if you actually refuse to believe everything you read in the Times, and you should, you would know this is a lie. ANational Gun Act in 1934 did this job and as it turns out, only 2 homicides in all these 77 years since, resulted from an automatic weapon. But this is the disgusting story of how a federal agency, an agency your tax money funds, has misused this money, all $10 million of it, for a scheme devised to make you believe that gun control is a necessary evil.  Well it's evil all right, and that's because our founding fathers knew that one day a smooth-talking socialist would convince you that he can change things and that things needed to be changed. 

The left is all about change. "Change is good." That's because they cannot be happy in their own skin, much less be happy with a government that allows for opposing points of view. They see the Constitution as flawed rather than as a document that is perfect because it can be amended, but only with the proper checks and balances. They see Obama as hope, and the right sees Obama as an imperialist who sees nothing special about America and therefore has no right to govern her.

Holder is just a symptom of the administration. He is a fraud, much like Obama and his ilk. Charles Rangel recently spoke about morality and Jesus--what a joke coming from a guy who tried to screw the government out of $75 thousand in rent. Like Rangel, Obama is all talk and all smoke and mirrors. Tim Gaithner is another tax cheat and this guy runs the IRS. One day they're going to make a comedy out of this administration.

Cefalu said that the operation was never about making arrests--it was about getting the ATF in the media, getting the anti-gun legislation on the table, and perpetuating the Democratic talking points about guns. Much like Obama's talking points about corporate jets, legal guns do not cause the catastrophic results the Obama administration would like you to believe. Just like he would have you believe that his mother's health was compromised because of the health care restrictions she had to undergo for her cancer--more lies. Why doesn't anyone call him on it?

Maybe it'll be a good thing if the government actually shuts down and these government agencies see that the American people are fed up about funding their waste. Of course this will likely not happen because most of Obama is not to be trusted--Mr. Transparency.

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