Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Holder the Clown

Go figure—some of the 2,000 firearms the feds allowed the Mexican drug cartels to acquire have begun showing up in some US cities. What a surprise; it’s like you just can’t trust smugglers anymore. Lori Jane Gilha of KNXV-TV in Phoenix, a subsidiary of ABC, said that the investigation carried out by her company found the federally sanctioned guns just blocks from each other in some parts of the cities. Evidence indicates that a number of guns have shown up in Arizona gun crimes, and it is possible that a quantity of firearms may have not even left the United States. Can you get the full impact of the stupidity of this operation?

 Of course, none of this should come as a surprise to anyone who knows how government agencies tend to run things. If there was a prize, let’s call it the Gross Incompetence Achievement Prize, government agencies would walk away with all of them, hands down. Fact: we now know that the ATF was giving guns to FBI and DEA informants and that these same agencies told gun dealers to sell guns to drug cartel members—this, in spite of the gun stores voicing concern about this crazy practice—and then they built cases against the gun companies for selling the guns. According to the Daily Caller, Carter’s Country, a four-store chain, was one of those targets.

To date, an independent prosecutor is to be appointed to determine who in the Obama (anti-gun) administration came up with this genius idea, who then authorized it and went along with it in spite of its illegality, and then who participated in the cover-up. Obama tried to throw Ken Melson, Acting Director of the ATF, under the
bus, but he opened up to congressional investigators on July 4th, but a Pajamas Media source are working like little evil bunnies to scapegoat a different DOJ official in an effort to deflect blame and save some dirty scumbags from prosecution. (I think I just heard Eric Holder and Hussein Obama give a loud sigh of relief.)

Pajamas Media believes that this case is worse than it seems and it doesn’t seem to want to go away anytime soon. It seems like Obama, Janet Napolitano, Eric “I just learned about it a few weeks ago” Holder, and Hillary, should be scared—they should be very scared. But I am not confident that justice will be served here—hopefully I’m wrong—because Obama is becoming an imperialist president and seems to be getting away with circumventing little things like the Constitution and the system of checks and balances. But again, I hope I’m wrong and Jughead gets impeached. We don’t need an imperialist, Marxist as president.

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