Saturday, May 28, 2011

Netanyahu, Obama and Cajones

I posted Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to the U.S. Congress in which he made Obama's speech sound like it was written for him by his daughter. I think it's about time we looked more critically at what the Israeli PM said in contrast to what Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian leader said, and you can decide for yourself who really wants peace and who wants to continue this farce between the Palestinians and Israelis.

Netanyahu said:

  "This is the land of our forefathers, the Land of Israel, to which Abraham brought the   idea of one God, where David set out to confront Goliath, and where Isaiah saw a vision of eternal peace. No distortion of history can deny the four thousand year old bond, between the Jewish people and the Jewish land.

  "But there is another truth: The Palestinians share this small land with us. We seek a peace in which they will be neither Israel's subjects nor its citizens. They should enjoy a national life of dignity as a free, viable and independent people in their own state. They should enjoy a prosperous economy, where their creativity and initiative can flourish."

Abbas said to his people in reply:

  "We say to him [Netanyahu], when he claims that they [Jews] have a historical right dating back to 3000 years [BC]--we say that the nation of Palestine upon the land of Canaan had a 7000 year history [BC]. This is the truth, which must be understood and we have to note it, in order to say: "Netanyahu, you are incidental in history. We are the people of history. We are the owners of history."

So it should be clear that the Israelis are willing to compromise, and Abbas is saying the Palestinians do not recognize that the Jews (let's face it, that's really who the Palestinians are referring to when talking about Israel) have any rights.  History, Abbas falsely claims, is owned by the Palestinians. Well that explains why he can make up history to justify the means to his own end--the modern Arabs have no connections to the ancient Canaanites--they weren't Muslim and there was no Palestinian state back then. It's the fantasy they want the world to believe, and, unfortunately, liberals in the west believe it because they want to believe it. Abbas said the Palestinians own history--you cannot "own history;" that's ridiculous and just a tad narcissistic on Abbas's part.  

Then we have an American president who has been doing cartwheels to appease the Palestinians and the Muslim world in general. Obama has, to borrow his word, the audacity to think he can dictate the terms for peace by having Israel make all the compensations. He would have Israel go back to the 1967 indefensible borders, a move that would be suicidal for this tiny country.  These borders are the same that were called for by Yassar Arafat, if you recall.

What compensations have the Palestinians made? None. Zero. Zip. And they refuse to make even one. They do not want to make compensations because they do not want Israel to exist. Period. They have now associated themselves with Hamas, a terrorist organization dedicated to the demise of Israel and, indeed, all Jews in the world.

Why isn't this obvious to Obama? I believe it is. That's the worst, most disgusting part. I do not believe he is as naiive as he appears to be--he cannot possibly be that stupid to think the Palestinians will ever want peace. He knows enough about Islam and their anti-Semitic agenda to think for one second that the Palestinians will ever accept the fact that Israel should exist. Obama sat in Trinity United Church for 20 years and heard the anti-Semitic remarks by his pastor, the man who married him and who baptised his children, the Rev. Wright. Obama is friends with Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader whose anti-Semitic venom spews out of his mouth like Niagara Falls.

Netanyahu had no choice but to stand fast against Obama's pressure. He even went against the advice of Obama's fellow liberals in the Jewish community about never going up against a sitting president. But when he did, many were surprised that even the Democrats reacted favorably. Harry Reid, in an unprecedented moment of testosterone, was very clear in his support of Israel. It's sad, however, that many liberals will not stand for what is right and just. These are the people who make the best cannon fodder.

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