Thursday, January 23, 2025

Virginia Democrats vote 100% for murdering babies up to birth

Leftists are great with words. They are "pro-choice," which means "pro-abortion," which also means "in favor of ending the life of a baby in the womb of his or her mother." They call it "the right to choose," when it also means the right to decide whether the baby in question lives or dies. It's akin to "gender affirming care," but never "delusion affirmation," or "genital mutilation."

The left used to pretend that abortions should be safe, legal and rare, but now they dropped all pretense, at least the leftists in Virginia.

The radical pro-abortion members of the Virginia Senate debated the most extreme baby-killing measure ever introduced on Monday, SJ 247, the so called Right to Reproductive Amendment, introduced by Sen. Jennifer Boysko, D-38. See how nice they describe their horror show? It has nothing to do with 'reproduction,' it has to do with preventing it.

“The effect of this extreme amendment to the state constitution should it ultimately be adopted will almost certainly prevent passage of any future bills intended to provide appropriate protections to the women and babies of Virginia from unchecked abortion businesses,” said Olivia Gans Turner, President of VSHL. “It is merely a way to give abortion promoters the ability to operate in the Commonwealth without regulations. It is the responsibility of the legislature to consider the best ways to protect vulnerable individuals. This amendment will seriously interfere with that role and cause more preborn babies to be killed and put women in harm’s way.”

Sen. Tara Durrant, R-27, suggested a sensible change to make sure the proposed amendment wouldn't mess with or challenge Virginia's Parental Consent law. Sen. Emily Jordan, R-17, tried to tweak SJ 247 to let lawmakers pass bills that would protect babies who survive abortions by ensuring they get the medical care they need.

Some Senators pointed out the risks of passing a resolution that might lead to lawsuits against the few sensible pro-life laws still standing in Virginia. In other states, similar changes have resulted in court decisions that wiped out all pro-life laws there.

Sen. Mark Obenshain, R-2, called out supporters of the amendment for not protecting parental rights and the safety of young girls, urging them to accept the reasonable changes proposed by Republican members. He also noted that Constitutional Amendments always override regular laws in Virginia, suggesting that even the partial-birth amendment could be overturned, leaving other laws vulnerable to legal challenges.

“Democrats rejected the two rational amendments offered proving that they have no interest in protecting teens or parents’ rights,” said Gans Turner. “These members are clearly committed to the abortion industry over the lives of those affected by this extreme amendment.”

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