Friday, November 29, 2024

Candace "Holocaust Schmolocaust" Owens barred from NZ over her anti-Semitic rhetoric


Formerly conservative commentator Candace Owens has been denied entry into New Zealand because they already have their share of Jew haters and they don't need her to add to the hatred. The ban is due to Australia's ban last month that cited some of the crap that she spewed against Jews and Muslims, showing that she's an equal opportunity hater.

Owens had been a member of The Daily Wire but was fired from the company as her anti-Semitism went public. One of the owners of The Daily Wire, of course, is Ben Shapiro, an orthodox Jew who basically had enough of her bile.

Anyway, the immigration authorities directly cited the provision in New Zealand law that individuals excluded from another country may not be granted a visa, without mentioning her hateful remarks.

Australian Immigration Minister Tony Burke had announced in late October that Owens was not welcome because "From downplaying the impact of the Holocaust with comments about German SS officer Josef Mengele through to claims that Muslims started slavery, Candace Owens has the capacity to incite discord in almost every direction.

"Australia’s national interest is best served when Candace Owens is somewhere else," Burke stated.

The move to ban Owens had been warmly applauded both by Jewish groups that had called for the ban and the government’s parliamentary Opposition.

In recent months, Owens denied that the infamous Nazi doctor had conducted medical experiments on Jews in Auschwitz, calling the proven facts “bizarre propaganda” that are too “absurd” to be believed.

What had previously been a level-headed conservative pundit has turned into a female version of David Duke and she has become too "absurd" to be believed.

There are Jews who have survived Auschwitz who have reported on the atrocities, including the experiments by Mengele, and there is photographic and first-hand proof beside the reporting of former captives, that these atrocities had taken place. Heck, even the Germans don't deny it.

But Owens has also used the old, worn out anti-Semitic tropes about Jewish power and also claimed that the U.S. is "being held hostage by Israel," and the preposterous notion that pro-Israel lobby AIPAC was behind the assassination of president John F. Kennedy, and that “secret Jewish gangs” control Hollywood.

Of course, she offers not a shred of evidence.

Owens has defended anti-Semitic rapper Kanye West and gave it a "like" on X, which claimed that pro-Israel Rabbi Shmuley Boteach is "drunk on Christian blood." There you go with the trusty old blood libel. Boteach should sue the crap out of her and West.

Owens had been selling tickets to events in several cities in both Australia and New Zealand that were to be held early next year, which was billed as a speaking tour about her Christian faith and her views on freedom of speech. 

She's about as Christian as Osama bin Laden.

The overpriced events she collected for have yet to be formally cancelled.

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