Saturday, November 30, 2024

Pro-Hamas/Hezbollah and Jews rally and counter-rally in London

LONDON -- Pro-Hamas/Hezbollah demonstrators booed the Jews and patriots who stand in support of them at a downtown rally today. Many held signs supporting their side while the police allowed the terrorist supporters to march freely in the streets while the Jewish/Israel supporters were made to stand in a fenced off area.

Reporters are getting arrested in Britain for such things as calling Hamas a terrorist organization. Freedom of speech and expression is no longer a thing in Merry Old England. And those reporters who don't belong to a trade union will also be arrested, so podcasters or YouTube reporters need to be subtle in how they operate.

They get to march freely

And Niak Romani [not certain how to spell his name] held a sign that called Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists and was escorted away by police because they evidently don't agree with him.

Niak being approached by police

Meanwhile, the Islamists were booing the Jews and the British patriots. In other words, the Islamists were booing their own country, while the Jewish demonstrators and patriots were calling for an end to hate.
Niak as he was escorted to the sideline

Chants of "Free free Palestine" were shouted while in the closed off area the Jews shouted, "Am Yisrael Chai." or 'The People of Israel Live." Then naturally, the Islamists chanted the handy-dandy "from the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free." We all know that means they want the Jews out of Israel altogether. 

A two-state solution is out of the question with these terrorist supporters.

Am Yisrael ChaI!

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