Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Titusville Democrat Mayoral Candidate Faces Charges in Election Sign Theft

Titusville, FL -- Mayoral candidate Vickie Conklin (D) is facing charges for allegedly stealing election signs of her opponents as outlined in an affidavit from the Titusville Police Department.

The Titusville Police Department confirmed that charges have been filed by the State Attorney's Office against the Democrat Conklin and her campaign manager, Earl Johnson, Jr.

In a statement to the local media outlet, Talk of Titusville, Conklin mentioned she didn't know about any potential charges against her and planned to make an official statement later. The accusations that she removed signs from her opponents' campaigns have made the race for mayor in Titusville even more heated.

These allegations are part of a pattern; just last month, the Titusville Police began looking into a case where another candidate, Andrew Connors, claimed that around 300 of his campaign signs were taken from around the city.

Connors explained that his campaign signs kept disappearing from busy spots like around Royal Oak and along South Street, yet other candidates' signs stayed put. He figured he was out of pocket by about $1,455, calculating each sign cost him $4.85.

With election day getting closer, the accusations against Conklin are making people doubt how fair the race is. Meanwhile, some locals are calling for a clean and respectful campaign time. The Titusville Police are still looking into these incidents, asking the community to keep an eye out and for everyone to treat campaign materials with respect.

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