Thursday, April 25, 2024

Biden makes a pack with the devil over abortion

President Joe Biden of Scranton has allegedly made a pack with Beelzebub regarding the issue of abortion, aka depriving people the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by killing them before passing through their mother's birth canal or soon thereafter. 

Biden's cover story is that he's a Catholic, a Jew, a Puerto Rican and had attended a Black church as a young man in the Scranton 'hood' where he had a run-in with the now famous Cornpop. 

But mostly he tells the nation that he's a devout Catholic even when he advocates for abortion, which is clearly against basic Catholic teaching, as well as the teaching of many other religions except for those that favor human sacrifices, such as the religion of liberalism. 

The alleged President spoke about abortion (if you call mumbling speech) in Tampa, Florida on Tuesday where he attempted to whip up the crowd. The barely sentient POTUS made the Sign of the Cross while pushing for the killing of innocent babies in the womb while criticizing Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) for calling for more restrictions on the number one cause of death to Americans.

Yes, Biden made the Sign of the Cross! Can it get more sacrilegious than that? 

If Democrats say that Biden knows what he's saying, and is not a babbling, senile old fart, then he has to be making a deal with the devil.

You cannot be Catholic and be pro-abortion. Period!

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