Thursday, January 11, 2024

Let's remember Biden's heartfelt eulogy to KKK recruiter, Robert Byrd

Biden, Manchin and Byrd

"Bishop, Reverend Clergy, Mona and Marjorie, the entire Byrd family—if you didn't already know it, it's pretty clear the incredible esteem your father was held in." -- Joe Biden at Robert Byrd's eulogy.
Robert Byrd wrote that he viewed his leadership in the Ku Klux Klan as a helpful platform from which to launch his political career. In the 1940s he recruited 150 of his buddies and associates to form a local chapter of the designated hate group,  The Washington Post reported in 2005.

Later on, the late white supremacist worked hard to keep a low profile saying that the KKK was a youthful indiscretion, and claimed that his KKK chapter was a fraternal group of elites [aka good ole boys] who never called for violence agains Black folks.

Biden and his Democrat white supremacists spoke at Byrd's funeral in the video below. Biden's speech starts at around minute 5:25 but watch the whole thing if you want to understand hypocrisy.

Of course, it was Byrd who filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 then later claimed that it has "emerged throughout my life to haunt and embarrass me and has taught me in a very graphic way what one major mistake can do to one's life, career, and reputation."

In other words, he was outed as a white supremacist and Biden knew this. Still, the then Vice President praised Byrd and basically referred to him as a person fiercely devoted to his principles," a "friend," "mentor" and a "guide." 

Barack Obama, also spoke at Byrd's funeral, and used similar language: "He was a Senate icon. He was a Party leader. He was an elder statesman. And he was my friend. That's how I'll remember him," Obama said.

So while the left calls Donald Trump and all of his supporters white supremacists, ask yourself who are the real white supremacists, even those who aren't white.

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