Monday, January 15, 2024

FBI arrests man with gender dysphoria threatened to kill "Trans Phobes" may have Alt-Right extremist ties

An Oregon man who thinks he's a woman was charged Friday for posting to a trans woman support group” that he planned to go out in a “blaze of glory,” after a search of his home found 27 guns and “tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition.”

The man goes by his new name, Elizabeth West. He was charged with making interstate threats based on the September 26 Facebook post to the group “Trans Woman Support Group,” after he said that he believed he was going to be terminated from his job and was tired of “trans phobic assholes.”

“I’m too old to keep looking for jobs and I’ve had it up to here being bullied by trans phobic assholes I am left with no alternative…,” West wrote, according to court documents. “I’ve been preparing for this moment for a long time at least then I’ll be remember [sic] I have no family no friends… So there really isn’t any point living any more?”

West wasn't arrested after the September interview but that was what ultimately led to the charges that got him arrested several months later after his social media was found to exhibit racial hatred toward black people, immigrants, and Jews.

According to the court documents his social media was, “A Nazi dominatrix from Hell, who is tired of the blackening of America and Europe and ready to stand up to the Black orcs and the Jewish Wizards.”

The arrest was first reported by CourtWatch.

West's animosity of other races appears to be heavily related to his gender mental illness. 

His hatred of black people, it says in court documents, is because they often “misgender” him and a group of black men once physically assaulted him. 

His hatred of immigrants was because he learned of an immigrant on Oregon’s public healthcare plan who received free transgender surgery, while he would have to pay to get his genitals mutilated.

West's social media had been monitored by the FBI for months and questioned him about his racial views. On January 9, they discovered he had made gun purchases and executed a search warrant and arrested the white supremacist.

The affidavit references “far-right terror,” “white supremacy,” and “alt-right extremism,” portraying the madman as a conservative terrorist.

He is by no means a conservative, as some people in the mainstream media would like you to believe. Conservatives hate haters like him.

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