Thursday, November 30, 2023

Columbia Law School dean resigns amid anti-Semitism scandals

Gillian Lester, the dean of Columbia Law School announced her resignation Wednesday, coming at a time when a number of anti-Semitic scandals have occurred during her tenure.

"I had originally intended to make this announcement in early October," she told the law school in an email, "but my plan was unexpectedly overtaken by current events." Being unable to take the heat in the events that have put the school on par with Nazi Germany, she will step down at the end of the academic year.

Columbia Law School has been accused of anti-Semitism after Israelis on Oct. 7 were savagely attacked, murdered, raped, tortured, burned, captured, and otherwise destroyed for the sin of being Jewish. Babies were beheaded, parents were killed in front of their children and children killed in front of their parents, and all that Lester initially said in describing what happened was that "violence [that] erupted in Israel and Gaza."

Violence didn't "erupt" in Gaza--it was a defensive retaliation to what Hamas and Gazans perpetrated on Israelis. It was a response to violence.

The law school's dean purposely never mentioned Hamas or anti-Semitism, and it rightfully sparked weeks of damage control at the ivy league law school, where pro-Palestinian students took over a campus building and disrupted classes in violation of school policy and the rights of non-protesters to learn. 

For the school's part, they declined to stop the protests and refused to say whether the students would receive any punishment.

Columbia hasn't yet announced who Lester's replacement will be, but a source with ties to the school's administration said that David Schizer is a leading candidate. Schizer had previously served as dean from 2004 to 2014 and is a scholar of tax and energy law.

Schizer recently lead the school's task force on anti-Semitism and as dean, he helped tighten the bonds between the law school and Israel,  by opening a Center for Israeli Legal Studies in 2006 that brings prominent Israeli scholars to campus.

"Making him dean again will send a clear message to the anti-Semites," the source said. "He did the job very successfully before, everyone loved him, and there were no riots."

The law school has not commented on whether Schizer will get the appointment again.

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