Friday, May 19, 2023

Below average-looking feminists worry about American men marrying foreign women but are clueless why

"I identify as sexy"

Feminists, or as the late, great Rush Limbaugh would call them, feminazis, are miffed that American men find foreign women more attractive soulmates, choosing to marry them over red-blooded American castraters. 

Non-Western women tend to be unaffected by so called feminism, which at its core says nothing about more serious issues that women face all over the world, especially in countries with cultures that practically declassifies them as human and puts them in the category of possessions. I speak of Middle Eastern countries in particular, but while they comprise the largest segment of misogynistic nations, they are not the only ones. 

So feminism in America, and in the West, is more of a political movement than it really is a movement advocating for women's rights. Where actual danger in advocating exists, the presence of feminism is nowhere to be found.


The real feminists are the women in Iran where they are literally risking their lives for equal rights as men, or at least the right to not be forced into a marriage or to wear a hijab or cloth tent to cover themselves, lest the men get turned on.

Foreign women value traditional marriage and gender roles much like real men do in the West. By real men I mean those who think wearing a "pussy hat" is demeaning to women. Real women value and embrace their maternal nature for child-rearing and don't need to feel competitive with their male counterpart. They are family-focused as opposed to career-focused as we often see here in the West.

Feminists are upset by these traditional values as they watch men leave the American dating scene quicker than a Democrat yelling "racist." 

Some so called feminists have gone on social media to express their ire, accusing men of being "predatory" and incapable of "handling" American women. Why it's almost as if they're crying out to be handled.

YouTuber Misha Petrov interviewed women on the street about the issue of American women. She noted that Western feminists insult foreign women by claiming they're uneducated and weak-minded because they lack the same mentality as these feminists who view themselves as being better than men and better than other women. It's kind of an obnoxious virtue signaling to be an American feminist in spite of their lack of true virtue like the Iranian women have.

Petrov uncovers the paradox in which feminists hate men yet focus their entire lives around them. And the notion that men take advantage of "dumb" foreign women is simply not true. Women are taught on day one what to expect from men, but not taught what to give back. Men are thus dehumanized by feminists and viewed as something akin to tools for women's convenience.

In fact, most men simply want a stable, loving relationship and women from countries where traditional marriage is valued generally provides this and it's attractive to these men. Feminism doesn't provide this so men seek out traditional women who want traditional lives in traditional marriages.

Of course, some Western women also value tradition as noted by the trend of the "Tradwife" on TikTok, which features Western women enjoying traditional relationships with men and traditional marriages and gender roles.

You can't blame us for looking elsewhere for happiness.

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