Monday, February 27, 2023

DOT Inspector General Investigating Buttigieg’s use of gov't jets; Buttigieg responds

The Department of Transportation's inspector general announced on Monday that the agency will be auditing Secretary Pete Buttigieg's use of planes the Federal Aviation Administration supplies for his use in which he flies all over the place, as a former president may have worded it.

The Washington Post reported that the out of 18 flights that Buttigieg, who is gay and married to a man and has a child, has taken on FAA planes, only once was it less expensive to fly on the jets than it was to fly on a commercial flight, and that was because the FAA jet was only being towed to the end of the runway where Pete was going to get into an SUV which carried his bicycle so that he could take the bike one block to work while making it appear as if he shlepped it the whole way. In all other cases, commercial flights were less expensive.

“Glad this will be reviewed independently so misleading narratives can be put to rest,” Buttigieg babbled with his 'What, me worry'? face. 

“Bottom line: I mostly fly on commercial flights, in economy class. And when I do use our agency’s aircraft, it’s usually a situation where doing so saves taxpayer money.”

A study conducted by the RNC has indicated that people who believe Buttigieg's fable also believe that snakes have hips. and it's necessary to get a COVID-19 booster shot every 3 months.

There will be more to come with this story so stay tuned and stay brain flushed.

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