Monday, January 16, 2023

MSNBC's Johnson says whites prefer inconvenience over letting blacks vote

This Johnson is a Johnson

MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson went all racist Monday on "Deadline" a TV show they tell me. He claimed that Republicans pass voting laws because many white people “would rather have their own lives inconvenienced than run the risk of black people being on an equal plane.”

These same white people also pass drivers license laws, federal building entry laws, getting on airlines laws, and visiting the DNC laws for the same reason. We inconvenience ourselves with these requirements because we believe black people are incapable of getting ID.

But wait; plenty of them seem to have gotten past these white folks traps and got the necessary IDs and even obtained driver's licenses and don't even need to use mail-in voting because many of them can drive to the polls. How did they do that? 

Do you mean to tell us white folk that black people are able to overcome the man and get IDs for themselves?

I'm not even going to quote this moron [yes, moron knows no color] because it's clear to me that he is the real racist here.

There have been historical numbers of black voters recorded in the last elections, both in the presidential and he midterms and nobody is putting speed bumps on the roads to slow anyone from voting. And to say that Republicans are doing that is a lie, it's racist, and it's reprehensible. It's the same old lament from the party that has no useful ideas and has nothing but complaints about the USA, and no ideas on how to fix anything. 

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