Monday, December 26, 2022

Caryn Johnson [aka Whoopi Goldberg] doubles down on her anti-Semitic remarks

Jewish community members and activists are demanding that Caryn Johnson who goes by Whoopi Goldberg be terminated from the Special Ed. show known as "The View" after the former comedienne doubled-down on a past Holocaust remark she made, which created an angry outcry on social media from Jews and Gentiles alike.

The adipose African-American woman got suspended about ten months ago after she bloviated that the Holocaust was "not about race," but she evidently didn't learn anything from the suspension. 

In an interview with the U.K.'s The Sunday Times, the low-information racist showed no remorse for her past sentiments about the targeted, systematic killing of six million Jews for the crime of being Jews.

She also claimed the Nazis targeted people of African descent in addition to Jews because they were physically different and went as far as to suggest that Jews had an easier time blending in with White people and hiding from the Nazis than Black people did at the time of the Holocaust.

"It doesn’t change the fact that you could not tell a Jew on a street. You could find me. You couldn’t find them. That was the point I was making," she ignorantly said. "But you would have thought that I’d taken a big old stinky dump on the table, butt naked." 

At which point the interviewer, Janice Turner, threw up in her mouth.

The Times of Israel called Goldberg's comments "incendiary" in an article Sunday, pointing out that while her real name is Caryn Elaine Johnson, the racist has no Jewish ancestry and adopted a more "Jewish-sounding" stage name.

Goldberg's Holocaust comments in February, which led to her two-week suspension from the network and a subsequent apology, stunned many in the Jewish community. At the time, faith leaders, activists and online critics encouraged her to educate herself on the topic, but largely supported her return to the somewhat retarded show.

Now, with her obvious lack of remorse as seen in her latest interview, some are calling for her termination over her history of ignorant statements that categorize the Holocaust as a "white-on-white crime," rather than what it was.

Perhaps she unveiled her true anti-Semitic, anti-White racism after Kanye West [aka Ye] went public with his. As Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby said of anti-Semitism in response to Goldberg, that . . . "history's oldest and most toxic hatred--is surging, but Whoopi is determined to trivialize it."

Lucy Lipiner, a Holocaust survivor and author of "Long Journey Home: A Young Girl's Memoir of Surviving the Holocaust" responded:
"Whoopi Goldberg continues to use the Holocaust as her punching bag. We told her that her comments harm us and she simply doesn’t care." 

"I survived the Nazis and the Holocaust," she added, "so I’ll be damned if I let a comedy has-been, peddling a fake Jewish name get the better of me."
Newsweek contributor Joel Petlin wrote: 
"Accepting apologies from some people who spew Antisemitic garbage is the triumph of hope over experience. We know that the Antisemitism will likely reoccur, but we still hope that they learned something along the way. Alas Whoopi just learned she could get away with it. Again."
In her write-up of the interview, the Times' Janice Turner revealed that, "Even now [Goldberg] does not understand why her remarks offended. She insists Jewish people themselves are divided about whether they are a race or a religion."

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One thing that is abundantly clear is that we should never be fooled into believing that being a celebrity equates with intelligence. Goldberg is simply a black Karen who spells it differently. It's time for Caryn Johnson to find another means of employment.

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