Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Trump threatens DeSantis saying he'll release "things about him that won't be very flattering" if he runs in '24

It looks like former President Donald Trump is scared of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) as a presidential opponent if DeSantis runs in 2024. He attacked the governor before polls closed on Tuesday night and threatened to make public allegedly damaging information on DeSantis if he decides to oppose him.

Trump made the threat while returned home to Florida Monday on his eponymous jet after he held a rally in Ohio.

In spite of Trump claiming that there exists no "tiff" between him and DeSantis, he actually mocked the governor over the weekend, calling him “Ron DeSanctimonious” and using old poll numbers showing that he had a lead on DeSantis in a 2024 presidential primary. 

But that was then, this is now. DeSantis destroyed Charlie Crist in the governor's race in Florida and has turned the purple state blood red. Trump made a huge mistake by going "junior high school" with him and the party overall is pretty pissed off with his his rhetoric. It's ironic that Trump labeled DeSantis 'holier than thou' when he comes off like nobody but him deserves to be the next president.

“I don’t know if he is running. I think if he runs, he could hurt himself very badly,” Trump claimed. “I really believe he could hurt himself badly. I think he would be making a mistake, I think the base would not like it — I don’t think it would be good for the party.”

I think the opposite is true and that Trump would be too divisive to win the election, should he be nominated. Don't get me wrong--if he gets that far, I would vote for him, but I believe he would lose.

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“If he runs, he runs,” Trump continued. “I would tell you things about him that won’t be very flattering — I know more about him than anybody — other than, perhaps, his wife.”

Yeah, and if you believe that, I have a bridge in Afghanistan to sell you.

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