Thursday, November 10, 2022

MN elects first gender dysphoric lawmaker

The new look of victimhood

Minnesota voters have elected the state's first gender dysphoric lawmaker into office.

Democratic candidate who changed his name to accommodate his delusion, Leigh Finke received 15,635 votes, or 81%, in the Minnesota House of Representatives (District 66A). He is the first man who thinks he is a woman to be elected to the office.

The district he won is northeast of the twin cities and has a population of about 41,000 people, many of whom see themselves as virtuous to elect a mentally ill individual to represent them.

Finke's opponent, Trace Johnson (R), only received 3,560 votes, or 18.5% which apparently indicates the percentage of people who don't vote based on identity politics and view the current state of the nation, with its high inflation, strong recession, and lack of mental capacity in its leadership [cf John Fetterman, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton] as problematic.

When Finke is sworn into office in January, he will replace an actual woman, Alice Hausman (D), who was first elected to office in 1989.

Finke ran on his support of the killing of the unborn, improving what he views as mental health in schools, fake issues involving lesbians, gays, bi-sexual people, gender dysphoric mentally ill folks like himself, and the economy, and probably in that order.

On Wednesday morning, Finke turned to Twitter to address the victory.

"Many stories will be written about Minnesota’s elections," he said in a tweet quoting the Victory Fund.. "One undeniable story is the rise of Queer Political Power."

Our enemies are shaking in their jackboots.

Victory Fund is an organization that works to increase the number of openly LGBTQ elected officials at all levels of government to prove to themselves that their sexual proclivities are normal and they are victims and you had better shut up.

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According to its website, Victory Fund has helped elect thousands of LGBTQ candidates into office since 1991 and you can see what that has done to the state of the nation.

When we elect people based on who they sleep with, how they identify, and also see themselves as victims, we aren't sending our best to represent us, if I may borrow a phrase.

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