Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Trump celebrates a Republican loss in key U.S. Senate race--yes, you read it right

Former President Donald Trump (R) seemed delighted that a Republican lost an important U.S. Senate seat on Tuesday night. This is not what a leader of a political party should be doing, but Trump is not a typical leader.

And while he endorsed many candidates in the GOP in their races, he never donated to their campaigns.

Trump took a potshot on Truth Social, his own media platform that he created after he was thrown off of Twitter before it was bought by Elon Musk. 

The shot he took was against Republican Joe O'Dea who was running in Colorado. "Joe O’Dea lost BIG!” Trump said. “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!”

This came as many of Trump's picks lost their individual elections. But every senate seat lost by Republicans not only negates the predicted "red wave," it weakens the GOP. It appears as if Trump's ego was more important than his party, at least the party he headed at one time.

O’Dea lost to incumbent U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) in a race that had grown surprisingly close
in recent days. The RealClearPolitics average recently indicating the race had moved from “lean Democrat” to “toss up.”

Meanwhile, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who easily won his reelection over Charlie Crist, recorded a robo-call to support O'Dea while Trump told his supporters not to vote for him.

As it turns out, Trump no longer has the strong support of the GOP and this likely came after he made fun of Gov. DeSantis' name calling him 'Ron DeSanctimonious.' This did not sit well with Republicans other than the third of whom still support Trump. Now it appears that Ron DeSantis is the new symbolic head of the Republican Party and Trump may not get the 2024 tap on the shoulders from the American people he believed is owed him.

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When DeSantis was declared the winner and made his speech, the crowd cheered "Two more years!" Since a Florida governor's term is four years, it's obvious what his supporters are hoping for.

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