Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Beto and Stacey Abrams win in their state . . . of mind

Democrats Stacey Abrams and Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke, a fake governor and fake Hispanic, respectively, both won governorships in their states of mind and say it was money well spent by their Party.

Abrams flashed her signature smile and Beto displayed his signature raised arms with wet armpits as the voices in their heads made the announcements of their victories.

But sadly, reality set in as the night went on and both candidates became America's biggest losers for yet another time.

Beto is a former congressman from the great state of Texas and was the Dem Darling in 2018 as he vowed to unseat a less flamboyant, albeit more intelligent incumbent, Sen. Ted Cruz (R). The Democrat Party tossed millions into the Beto money pit but the end result was a crushing defeat that left O'Rourke miserable, but with pearly white teeth and a changed tire on his vehicle.

To date, Beto has lost races for the Senate, the presidency, and the governorship all in the record time of four years and that is a record that is destined to stand for a long time to come.

Abrams, who thought of herself as the legitimate governor of Georgia and declared this without evidence, has won again in her mind, in spite of her having even a wider margin of loss in the rematch with Republican Brian Kemp.

Both Democrats were called "superstar losers" in The Atlantic last week saying that they are "among the country’s best-known political figures" who "have become so well known not by winning big elections but by losing them."

Elon Musk's Twitter also had a few choice tweets about the pair after their races were called.

Glenn Greenwald tweeted:
"It's amazing how much money Democratic voters waste on social media stars in clearly unwinnable races, doing nothing but enriching Dem consultants. $75m on Beto. $70m on Demings. $11m on MTG's opponent (someone named Marcus Flowers). At least Dem consultants got new boats,"
Molly Hemingway, editor-in-chief of the Federalist:
 "I legit love Beto running for office and I hope he never stops."
Tim Young, a conservative comedian: 
"Between his Senate and Governor's races, Beto has wasted roughly $140 million in Democrat fundraising... Congrats!"
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Jim Treacher joked:
"Stacey Abrams just got stomped by nine points and I can't wait for her victory speech," 

It clear that Beto O'Rourke and Stacey Abrams are the Democrat's gifts to the GOP that keeps on giving. Conservatives can only hope and pray these clowns decide to run again.

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