Sunday, November 6, 2022

MSNBC Fires Racist Host . . . Finally

You can put lipstick on a racist, but she's still a racist

MSNBC's weekend host, Tiffany Cross [her surname fits her chronic demeanor] was finally fired by the far-left network after she was lip-deep in another racist controversy. 

Cross hosted "Cross Connection" and was sent packing Friday, several weeks after saying that "white owners" and "white coaches" were to blame for the failed handling of Tua Tagovailoa's concussion football injury on September 29.

This racist woman is able to make everything bad that ever happened or happens, the fault of the white man.

According to Variety, the network decided to not renew Cross’s contract after two racist years at the network, and after relations between her and her bosses reportedly became “frayed.”

Cross’s NFL non sequitor comments got her in trouble with critics and non-racists who said she inaccurately and for no reason made Tagovailoa's serious injury a race issue.

“To see all these black men crashing into each other with a bunch of white owners, white coaches, and the complete disregard for black bodies and black life … it just represents a larger issue,” Cross pontificated at the time, as reported by Outkick.

Cross’s argument was quickly countered by former Fox News host Megyn Kelly, who called the now ex-MSNBC host “the most racist person on television.”

But Joy Reid is fast coming up from the rear for that "honor."

As reported by Mediaite, Kelly blasted Cross, stating, “he’s Samoan and his coach is mixed race,” Kelly added after the clip aired. “Had a white parent and a Black parent. So, anyway, he’s not White. I guess in Tiffany’s world that’s White.”

“But in any event, this person sees everything through [an] ‘it’s racist’ prism.”

After news broke that Cross had been fired, Kelly commended MSNBC for the move, “I tip my hat to MSNBC and NBC for doing the right thing, because as I said, she was the most racist person on television,” as reported by the New York Post

Variety reported that Cross’s termination was caused by her “indulging in commentary executives felt did not meet the standards of MSNBC or NBC News.” Had she blamed Donald Trump or the GOP for the concussion, Cross would still be on the air.

But Cross should not have surprised the brass at MSNBC as her anti-white racist comments were her go-to moves.

After the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict was announced, Cross decried GOP lawmakers as supporting a “murderous White supremacist.”

Commenting on Will Smith’s Oscar slapping incident, Cross declared white people should refrain from talking about the matter, because it was a “family discussion.”

Say what?

Her latest rant came one day before news broke that she was fired, leading many to believe that this was the straw that broke the camel’s back, according to the National Review.

In this rant, she attacked the state of Florida and Florida governor Ron Desantis, saying the state was the “dick of the country.”

“Ron DeStupid, Ron DeSantis, whatever you wanna call Florida man, he is so problematic,” she ranted in a cross manner. “He traffics in stupidity and ignorance, and I just think they are a problem for the rest of the country. Let’s get them out.”

Cross attended, but eventually dropped out, of Clark Atlanta University taking mass communications with an emphasis on tv, radio and film.

Ron DeSantis studied history at Yale University, was captain of Yale's varsity baseball team [with team's best batting average of .336] and was worked while attending school as an electrician's assistant and baseball coach. He graduated in 2001 with a B.A. magna cum laude and went on to teach history and sports at Darlington School for a year. He attended Harvard Law School and graduated in 2006 cum laude and obtained a Juris Doctor.

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It's laughable that Tiffany Cross would make fun of Ron DeSantis' surname and say that he's stupid and ignorant. 

DeSantis did not drop out of school and was not fired from a job.

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