Sunday, November 6, 2022

Pelosi's former neighbor always saw security at the Pelosi mansion

If you feel the case of the Pelosi hammer incident has a similar feeling of information cloaking as the Jeffrey Epstein "suicide," you are not alone. In fact, the invasion-beating of Nancy Pelosi's husband has one of her former neighbors scratching their head.

Marjorie Campbell, the former neighbor was very surprised about the alleged break-in and attack. She spoke with the Daily Mail who reported the conversation on Tuesday.

Campbell described the round-the-clock presence of a security detail outside Pelosi's home in which a 42-year-old illegal alien, who lives in a bus that has a gay pride flag and a BLM sign, was charged with entering Pelosi's home and beating Paul Pelosi with a hammer Friday morning. He supposedly asked "where is Nancy" indicating an intent of hammering the Speaker herself.

So where was security? What about the cameras? What really happened to Jeffrey Epstein? Was this entire debacle an attempt of a tryst gone wrong? Who killed JR? Lots of questions, no concrete answers.

‘There were black cars outside that house, particularly up on Normandie Terrace, all of the time,” Campbell said, citing her knowledge as Pelosi's neighbor.

 “When she was there, there certainly was a huge presence. And my impression was that the house was constantly monitored.”

Nancy Pelosi and her dancing hands weren’t in town on the night of the home invasion.

San Francisco Police ultimately responded to the scene after Paul Pelosi called 911 from a phone inside a bathroom. When they arrived, they found suspect David DePape struggling with the 82-year-old Pelosi over a hammer.

Ms. Campbell, who moved away from San Francisco to Utah where crime is somewhat less frequent, said that even when the Speaker was not at home there was still a security detail present outside the residence.

“I don’t distinguish between her being there and not being there. There were always multiple cars.”

Campbell was a neighbor of the Pelosis on San Francisco’s Broadway Street for ten years, according to the Daily Mail.

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Campbell described the Pelosi family’s security measures as so stringent that they interfered with her own electronic devices.

“There was monitoring equipment to make sure that residents couldn’t be spied on remotely from any place in the neighborhood, which involved something that interfered with our computer,” Campbell recalled.

DePape is facing federal charges for an assault on the spouse of a federal official, according to the inept Department of Justice, and organization that has become an oxymoron under the current administration. 

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