Monday, November 7, 2022

Megyn Kelly gives back to NY Times: "grow up . . . do your job'

You don't mess with Megyn Kelly, the Chuck Norris of podcast media, if you can't take the return fire.

Kelly shot back at The New York Times after they accused her of spreading misinformation about the hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, the husband of Speaker Nancy "Hands-a-Blur" Pelosi.

The paper ran an article on Saturday where they listed “elected officials and candidates” along with “prominent figures” who had, in their words, “spread misinformation or cast doubt on the attack.” One of those on the list was Kelly. The former newspaper said that she “[R]aised doubts that all facts were being disclosed.”

Kelly returned fire on Monday, tweeting: 
The NYT lists me as a spreader of misinfo re the P Pelosi attack bc I “raised doubts that all facts were being disclosed.”
It’s called JOURNALISM. SFPD clearly has more to disclose but if u ask for it, you’re a “misinfo” spreader like @Miguelnbc. Grow up, NYT & DO YOUR JOB.
Speaking on her podcast on Oct. 31, Kelly said, “We are learning more about who the intruder was, but many questions remain about the circumstances of the crime, which police have been fairly tight-lipped about and actually contradictory as well.” 

In fact, NBC lost the story completely. 

She condemned the media, saying they were “rushing to make this about right-wing political violence, and not just that, not just right-wing political violence, this is about January 6, don’t you know? This is about January 6, like everything needs to be for the Democrats today; not homelessness, not crime, not mental illness, January 6; back to that. They will use it for all it’s worth and then some.”

Kelly’s assertion that the media was trying to turn the attack on Pelosi into another instance connected to January 6 was further confirmed in the article which claimed she was spreading misinformation. The article stated:
The flood of falsehoods showed how ingrained misinformation has become inside the G.O.P., where the reflexive response of the rank and file — and even a few prominent figures — to anything that might cast a negative light on the right is to deflect with more fictional claims, creating a vicious cycle that muddies facts, shifts blame and minimizes violence. It happened after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, which was inspired by Mr. Trump’s lie of a stolen election, and in turn gave rise to more falsehoods …

“The press has gone deep, dark down the rabbit hole about trying to say, ‘This is all about January 6’ because the lunatic’s latest iteration of craziness was focused on some QAnon theories, things along those lines, notwithstanding his BLM flag and his LGBTQ flag out in front of it,” Kelly noted, referring to Pelosi’s alleged attacker.
The election is tomorrow, Nov. 8, and the Democrats have no platform to stand on other than personal attacks, Jan. 6, and "Trump is a bad man so vote for me." 

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