Monday, November 7, 2022

Chef Boyardee is the left's answer to inflation? No wonder they fart so much

The Democrats have once again shown their lack of understanding of the needs of the American people. It's actually breathtaking how out of touch they are with us. 

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) from Putnam County is running in a redrawn district now including Rockland County. He was interviewed by Westchester's Halston Media and showed us his complete ignorance of how his words might be taken.

"I grew up in a family where if the gas price went up, the food price went down, " he began, "so by this time of the week we’d be eating Chef Boyardee if that budget wasn’t gonna change – So that’s what families have to do," he recommended.

No wonder the left farts so much.

Dana Perino, one of the hosts of "The Five" said Maloney's words summarized the election in one sentiment.

"I think if you could put the entire election cycle into one clip, it would have been this one about Chef Boyardee -- because [Maloney] is in charge of getting other Democrats elected," she said. "This election is about the inflation and the economy."

For the left, the "let 'em eat cake" attitude might rub voters the wrong way. Certainly his opponent Assemblyman Michael Lawler (R-Suffern), used the opportunity to say he had a "better idea" than eating Chef Boyardee. "Let's fire Sean Maloney and reduce inflation," he quipped.

I say let the Democrats eat Spam.

Perino said Maloney's comments are similar to other Democratic Party leaders who made similar remarks that sounded uncaring and derisive toward Americans feeling the pinch. She gave an example of climate czar [I hate that term for American government workers] John "Hair Plugs" Kerry who in 2021 suggested that energy workers who lost their jobs due to the administration undermining them, go out and find a green job. Saying they have "alternatives, that they can be the people to go to work to make the solar panels."

While Kerry spews his carbon footprint from his private jet that he's entitled to have because he's saving the world from other jets and plastic bags.

Perino also pointed to the comments made by gay Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg regarding purchasing electric vehicles.

"They want to let them bike to work, put on a sweater, basically, because the heating oil is going to be so high," Perino said, adding that Maloney's and Kerry's comments are not one-off instances but evidence or a larger Democrat messaging strategy.

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But people are beginning to wake up and see the hypocrisy and cluelessness of the Democratic clown show.

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