Sunday, September 25, 2022

Doocy pounds KJP over abortion: she can't give an honest answer or she'll expose what the administration really wants

In the world of incompetence, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre rules. She acts as if the American public consists mainly of fools when she doesn't answer the questions she's asked, but even some of the fools on the Left are beginning to see through the smoke she's trying to blow. Sometimes she avoids answering the question she's asked, sometimes she answers the question that's in the jasmine of her mind. But she's black and a lesbian, so that qualifies her by Democrats' standards.

Nobody is fooled by KJP and her leftist colleagues.

Peter Doocy of Fox News asked her about Sen. Lindsey Graham's abortion restriction proposal that bans killing babies beyond 15 weeks except in cases of rape, incest, and dangers to the life of the mother. This happens to be the restriction that most Americans favor, in spite of the fact that many conservatives, especially religious conservatives, know that life begins at conception and would totally restrict baby-murders altogether.

However, the incompetent KJP characterized Graham's proposal as simply a "nationwide ban" on abortion, which it clearly is not, and she refused to acknowledge the 15 week portion of the proposal.

So Peter Doocy asked her about the proposal:
DOOCY TIME: Does…Biden favor any limits on abortion?
KJP: We've been very…clear here…I was talking specifically about Sen. Lindsey Graham–
Doocy: And your position on his plan is…15 weeks is unacceptable?
KJP: I was speaking to…what Republicans are trying to do. 
Doocy: “A limit at 15 weeks, right?”
KJP: “It’s a national ban, which will take us backwards & will put at risk the health of women…We’re talking…privacy…contraception…marriage. That is what extreme [GOP] officials are trying to do. I’m not going to get into specifics.” 

First of all, how does not killing an unborn baby put a mother's "health" at risk? 

KJP's refusal to get into specifics would tell the public the truth about the proposal and would have to spell out specifics of what the Left is proposing. They say Republicans are being too extreme, but they won't say what it is they believe is their acceptable abortion cut-off time would be. In truth, it would be up to and probably after the birth.

To his credit, Doocy kept at her and demanded to know what Biden's proposed restriction would be or if he even had any restrictions at all on abortion. She tried blowing more smoke by mentioning Kevin McCarthy, who had nothing to do with Doocy's question.
Doocy: Why not get into specifics? The Republicans are saying we don’t want abortion after 15 wks. Why can’t you say how many weeks [Biden] thinks the limit is?
KJP: As you know, Kevin McCarthy put out the GOP agenda
Doocy: I’m not asking about [him]. I’m asking about Joe Biden 
Jean-Pierre kept deflecting, but Doocy wouldn’t let it go.
Doocy: “How many weeks?”
KJP: “I’m answering your question. What Republicans are trying to do is take us backwards. They’re trying to take away the rights & freedoms of Americans. That’s what we’re calling out…We should really listen to what [they] are trying to tell us.” 
Then she outright lied, insisting she had answered his question when, of course, she hadn’t.
Doocy: We are all covering the Republican plan…[W]hy can’t you say how many weeks for Biden?
KJP [to another reporter]: Okay, go ahead.
Doocy: No.
KJP: No…I answered your question.
Doocy: You did not answer my question.
KJP: I did. I did.
Doocy: Why can’t you say–
And KJP went to another "reporter."

* * *

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* * *

Say what you want about Fox News, but they seem to be the only mainstream media outlet that is standing up for the American public and asking the tough questions with follow-ups. Based on what was said, it seems clear that the Left has no plans to restrict the killing of the unborn at all.

It's amazing how Biden, Pelosi and the rest of these clowns pretend to be religious Christians.

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