Monday, May 9, 2022

Ministry of Truth czar spreads more disinfo: Kamala did not sleep her way to the top

Nina Jankowicz [pictured above singing to a Mary Poppins tune about Republican disinformation] is slated to be heading the DHS's Disinformation Governance Board to weed out information that goes against what information the board deems accurate. 

For one, she says that the claim whereby Kamala Harris [she's apparently our Vice President and southern border expert] slept her way to the top is disinformation, in spite of the fact that Kamala slept with San Francisco's mayor Willie Brown and thereafter got higher government positions. If that isn't sleeping one's way to the top, it must then be considered screwing one's way in an upward mobile fashion for political gain.

While it has been nearly two weeks since the DHS announced the Big Brother is Watching You Board, since April 27th, there hasn't been much talk by the Left about it, nor how it plans to prevent free speech, coincidentally, during the approach of the midterm elections. 

Also, they have kept quiet about Nina Jankowicz's partisan, hard-left background.  However, Jankowicz made an appearance for 84 seconds on the Mayday edition of "Meet the Press," but other than that, nothing.

Her expertise was in full view last October in Cleveland when she spoke about "Disinformation and Democracy: Civic Discourse in the Digital Age."

Townhall noted how she opined on Critical Race Theory:
"Critical Race Theory has become one of those hot-button issues that the Republicans and other, you know, 'disinformers' who are engaged in disinformation for profit, frankly — there are plenty of, you know, media outlets that are making money off of this too — have seized on. I live in Virginia, in Loudoun County, that's one of the areas where people have really honed in on this topic."
Jankowicz discussed the leftist's idea of the threat of disinformation but forgot to mention what she had previously said about the Russian dossier authenticity and about Hunter Biden's sticky laptop as Russian disinformation before going after parents and those who oppose Critical Race Theory (CRT).

She claimed that several "media outlets" are pushing CRT as she spoke to her audience of naive disinformed [a word I just made up so don't let the red squiggle bother you]. There has been no media coverage other than Fox News and some conservative outlets.

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At the start of COVID-19, on March 4, 2020, Jankowicz was calling for platforms to refuse advertising for face masks, as reported by Josh Barro, an actual journalist. Other so-called journalists didn't even bother to question this.

Now the GOP is questioning not only the unconstitutional idea of a disinformation board, but the hard-left lunatic whose record of disinformation is about as accurate as Joe Biden's is on U.S. foreign policy strategy.

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