Monday, May 9, 2022

White House finally condemns "violence, threats, or vandalism' by protesters at SCOTUS justices' homes

It looks like Joe Biden woke up from his nap to discover that pro-baby killers have been protesting at the homes of several Supreme Court Justices over an early draft of a majority opinion was leaked indicating that Roe v. Wade is likely to be struck down. 

But it isn't really that our alleged President woke up, or is even cognizant enough to be woke, it's more likely that the White House looked at popular opinion and the impending midterm elections in November and decided the best political move would be to condemn the violence, vandalism and threats because taking the side of the lunatic protesters is not a good political choice. 

If you hear the soon-to-be MSNBC employee and current White House press secretary Jen Psaki respond to a question from Fox News' Peter Doocy about whether the President supports the protests outside the homes of conservative justices you heard her give implicit support for this illegal behavior by not condemning it and supporting American's right to protest.

But finally, in a statement, the White House did weigh in. However, it took a fire at a pro-life clinic in Wisconsin and a scrawling on the clinic wall: “If abortions aren’t safe, then you aren’t either,” for the administration to get its collective head out of its collective nether regions and condemn this behavior.

“President Biden strongly condemns this attack and political violence of any stripe,” the statement said, implying that Biden is cognitively capable of understanding the situation. “The President has made clear throughout his time in public life that Americans have the fundamental right to express themselves under the Constitution, whatever their point of view. But that expression must be peaceful and free of violence, vandalism, or attempts to intimidate.”

Except for that little Disinformation Governance thingy he wants to create to keep people from expressing themselves under the Constitution.

Psaki also tweeted that Biden “strongly believes in the Constitutional right to protest,” but emphasized that “should never include violence, threats, or vandalism.” I responded to her tweet below.

Over the weekend, pro-abortion rights activists marched to the homes of Supreme Court Justices John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh.

“Judges perform an incredibly important function in our society, and they must be able to do their jobs without concern for their personal safety,” Psaki said.

Democratic Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers condemned “violence and hatred in all forms, including the actions at Wisconsin Family Action in Madison last night” in a Sunday Twitter thread. By using the word "at," [Wisconsin Family Action] instead of "against," it almost sounds as if it was the anti-abortion clinic committing the violence. But it was actually those who approve of the killing of babies that perpetrated the violence.

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“We reject violence against any person for disagreeing with another’s view,” he said. “Violence is not the way forward. Hurting others is never the answer.”

Finally, as my tweet above mentioned, protesting at the home of a justice is illegal, just as it is to do the same at the home of any judge when the intention is to influence a decision.

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